  • 學位論文


The Branding Strategic Management for Travel Agency Industry

指導教授 : 黃榮鵬


近年來,臺灣旅行產業者過度膨脹,國際局勢多變、天災、人禍等都直接或間接影響旅行業。旅行業者為謀求利潤而導致旅行業間惡性削價競爭,最後影響其旅遊品質。為擺脫此劣勢旅行業品牌建立及策略管理成為重要之議題。1990年代開始有關品牌建立的議題引起了諸多討論,而在全球化的浪潮之下,品牌即是建立高附加價值的一個重要途徑。品牌或是行銷的重要性不言而喻,但對於旅行業來說不論在理論或實務上均面臨了不少的困難。現有的行銷理論與模型多為針對大型業者發展而來,不適用於中小型產業,兩者在企業特性上相異處甚多,因此就其特性與需求而言有必要針對中小型企業發展出適合其可用之品牌與策略管理,以保其競爭優勢。 本研究為探索性研究。採用文獻蒐集、透過專家深度訪談,以及德爾菲法(Delphi Method)進行研究,探討臺灣地區旅行業經營之現況以及中小型旅遊業未來可行之經營策略,以訪談所獲得之結果為基礎,作為德爾菲法(Delphi Method)問卷的依據,結合「質性」與「量化」研究的方法,經由二回合問卷,收歛專家業者之意見,整合出總體產業環境之因素,最後再依據美國管理大師Porter之競爭策略理論,即成本化策略、差異化策略、專精化策略來分析各業者關鍵成功因素(KSF),另外藉由外在與內部因素之SWOT分析,建構出品牌與策略管理之評量因素。 在經過本研究分析,並經過實證研究後,發現在策略的選擇上,專精化策略較不為業者所採用。而成本化、差異化策略影響因素幾經探討分析後,發現差異化策略首重「公司品牌形象」,成本化策略則重視「加強與供應商之議價能力」,兩者在策略上有所不同。但兩者間關鍵成功因素之「提升顧客的再購意願」則均為相同之重要因素,顯示出「提升顧客的再購意願」不只在差異化策略上有影響,在成本化策略上也需要重視。研究結果可協助中小型旅行業在決策過程中蒐集、分析資訊,了解其經營上的優劣勢,消費者最重視的要點,以及關鍵的成功要素是什麼。同時能夠依據這些資訊,發展出適當的品牌策略以及行銷活動,以提升競爭優勢,最終得以建立一個成功的中小型旅行業品牌。


Recently, Taiwan travel markets have been over expanded. Besides, the unstable international situation, natural disasters and wars have affected industries the travel directly or indirectly. Among the travel industries, vicious price competition is the only way to get the profit. Unfortunately, the worse travel quality comes with the vicious price competition. In order to get rid of this bad reputation, the formation of the brand of industry and strategic become more important. Since 1990’s, there has been increased discussion and research on the formation of branding, and branding is regarded as the most important singular method for high value added to a company due to the globalization. Branding and marketing are important; however, travel industry, more problems lie in the theories or methods of branding. Current theories and models of marketing are based on the business characteristics of large travel companies but not on those of small and medium enterprises. Therefore, it is necessary to develop branding and marketing procedures and strategies solely for the small enterprises. This research is exploratory research, which uses literatures collection, in-depth interview with experts and Delphi Method to research the current development status of Taiwan’s travel agencies and feasible future business operation strategies of small and medium size of travel industries. In this research, the data was collected by in-depth interview and use qualitative and quantitative research methods to investigate. After two rounds of Delphi questionnaire surveys, the opinions from experts and travel agencies were merged and summed up with the environmental factor of the entire industry. Then, we accorded. Michael Porter’s competitive strategy, cost-leadership strategy, differentiation strategy and focus strategy to analyze the companies’ key success factors (KSF) and SWOT analysis of inner and outer factors. We built assessment factors of brand and strategic management After analyzing and empirical researching, we have found out that industries don’t take focus strategy and the difference between differentiation strategy and cost-leadership strategy is differentiation strategy emphasizes on “brand image” and cost-leadership strategy emphasizes on “bargain with the suppliers”. Although these two strategies are different both of them emphasize on “enhance the customers repurchase intentions”. The conclusions of this research can assist the small and medium size of travel industries to collect and analyze the data during decision processes, and understand the advantages and disadvantages on managements, the customers emphasize, and what are the key success factors. According to those data, the firms can enhance their competitive advantages by developing suitable brand strategies and marketing and build a successful brand.


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