  • 學位論文


The Oceanic Sovereignty Disputes between China and the Philippines:A Case Study of Huangyen Island Conflict

指導教授 : 陳佩修


南海問題涉及的是島嶼主權、資源利益的爭奪以及海域的劃界,是一個極其複雜的國際爭端。其爭端國家包含了中國、台灣、越南、菲律賓、馬來西亞、汶萊、印尼等七國,以及美國與日本等的國際勢力。 除了南海本身的戰略地理位置、重要的世界航運通道外,更因為潛藏的豐富石油及礦產而被南海周邊國家覬覦,進而引發了南海各國爭奪其主權的衝突,而另一波引發海域劃界競爭的原因則是在一九八二年聯合國海洋公約的規定,導致南海海域交叉重疊的爭議。 中共為新崛起的強權國家,認為南海不論是依歷史或是法理而言,皆隸屬於中國,也由於中共國家戰略的需要及對主權的堅持,因此對南海展現強烈的企圖心,並以強權之姿介入南海戰爭,造成情勢緊張。 南海地區長久以來被視為是東亞3大衝突引爆點之一。2002年由於崛起的中共勢力向南延伸,美國強化重返亞太,導致南海島礁聲索國的越南與菲律賓加強其維權力度,意圖重新引進美國力量,在南海與中共抗衡。當2012年中菲在黃岩島發生嚴重對峙時,南海一度被英國智庫牛津情研公司評估在全球10大風險地區中排行第6,致南海情勢發展已成為國際矚目的議題,故認為中菲兩國海域的主權及其主張值得特別關注與觀察。 本研究以南海地區的情勢發展為基礎,探討: (一)對於「中菲爭議海域主權」問題,本文欲回顧分析過去其衝突歷程。 (二)中國與菲律賓兩國立法的過程及其現況 (三)本論文期能藉由探究與釐清上述主題,以更明確理解爭議海域主 權對於中菲及其他聲索國來說之戰略本質與內涵。


黃岩島 中菲關係 南海主權


The South China Sea issues, which are extremely complex international disputes, involves the struggle of islands sovereignty, resources interests, and the demarcation of waters. Countries involve including China, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia. In addition, the international forces led by the United States and Japan. The South China Sea is of great importance for it’s strategic geographical location and important world shipping channel. Apart from this, it’s potentially abundant oil and minerals resources are coveted by surrounding countries and further triggered the disputes over the sovereignty. Another cause for the oceanic demarcation competition is the provisions of the 1982 UNCLOS, making the overlapping disputes in the South China Sea waters. China is a new rising power which consider the South China Sea, no matter in terms of history or legal theory, as part of China. Also for the reason of it’s requirement for national strategy and insistence of the sovereignty, China shows strong attempt to the sea and intervenes the war of South China Sea, arising the tensions. The South China Sea has long been viewed as one of the three flash points in east Asia. In 2002, due to the extension of the rising Chinese forces to the south, the U.S.’s has strengthened the " return to the Asia-Pacific" strategy, making claimant countries such as Vietnam and the Philippines tend to rely on the U.S to enhance the strength of defending sovereignty, and contend against China in the South China Sea. In 2012, the South China Sea was once assessed to be the 6th out of the 10 big risk areas on earth by British think-tank “Oxford Analytica” while China and the Philippines were confronting each other at Huangyan Island. Hence the development of the South China Sea situation has been highly concerned internationally. From the above, the sovereignty and claim of the waters between China and the Philippines should be paid special attention and be observed. This aim of the research is to discuss subjects below, based on the South China Sea area development situation: (1) Review and analyzation of the historical process of the conflict, with regard to the "disputed oceanic sovereignty between China and the Philippines". (2) Process and the current situation of legislation between China and the Philippines. (3) The purpose of the thesis is, by exploring and clarifying the subjects above, to more explicitly understand the strategic essential and content of the disputed oceanic sovereignty for the Philippines and other claimant countries. Key words: Huangyan Island, claimant countries, the South China Sea sovereignty disputes, the relations between China and the Philippines


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