  • 學位論文

國中生對陰柔特質男性的態度、性別刻板印象 與霸凌行為之相關性研究

The relationship among Attitude toward the Feminine Male , Gender Stereotypes and Bullying Behaviors: A Study focusing on Junior High School Students

指導教授 : 吳書昀


本研究旨在瞭解國中生對陰柔特質男性的態度、性別刻板印象與對陰柔特質男性的霸凌行為傾向的現況,並透過不同的個人背景因素探討國中生對陰柔特質男性的態度、性別刻板印象與對陰柔特質男性霸凌行為傾向的差異情形以及整體預測力。 本研究採用量化研究,以105學年度第一學期台中市、彰化縣、南投縣共19所公立國民中學之國中一、二、三年級的國中學生作為研究對象,並以「國中生性別態度與同儕互動傾向」為研究工具進行問卷調查,有效問卷共計483份。問卷回收後,將所得資料以SPSS 22.0進行描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數,皮爾森積差相關,以及多元迴歸等統計方法進行分析,獲得研究結果如下: 一、國中生對陰柔特質男性的態度為居中。 二、國中生的性別刻板印象程度屬於低度。 三、國中生對陰柔特質男性的霸凌行為傾向屬於低度。 四、性別與學校經驗會影響國中生對陰柔特質男性的態度、性別刻板印象與對陰柔特質男性的霸凌行為傾向,男性或學校經驗較負向的國中生對陰柔特質男性的態度較負向、性別刻板印象程度與對陰柔特質男性的霸凌行為傾向較高。 五、父母管教方式會影響國中生對陰柔特質男性的態度以及對陰柔特質男性的霸凌行為傾向,父母管教方式為權威式的國中生對陰柔特質男性的態度較負向與對陰柔特質男性的霸凌行為傾向較高。 六、年級會影響國中生的性別刻板印象,八年級國中生的性別刻板印象程度較九年級國中生高。 七、對陰柔特質男性的態度與性別刻板印象具有負相關,顯示國中生對陰柔特質男性的態度越負向,性別刻板印象程度越高。 八、國中生對陰柔特質男性的態度或性別刻板印象對不同背景因素與對陰柔特質男性的霸凌行為傾向之間的關係具有部分中介效果。 九、國中生的性別、父母管教方式、對陰柔特質男性的態度與性別刻板印象能夠共同預測對陰柔特質男性的霸凌行為傾向,且對陰柔特質男性的態度是影響對陰柔特質男性的霸凌行為傾向的關鍵,意即國中生對陰柔特質男性的態度越負向,對陰柔特質男性霸凌行為傾向越高。 最後根據本研究之結果提出建議,以供教育、社會工作相關單位或研究人員做為推動多元性別與防治校園霸凌的實務、政策或研究之參考。


The purpose of this study is to understand the current state of attitude toward feminine male, gender stereotypes and inclinations toward bullying of feminine male among junior high school students and investigate how different personal backgrounds are connected with differences in the aforementioned attributes as well as overall predictability. This study was a quantitative research on students in grades 1-3 (K7-9) in the first semester of School Year 2016/2017 from 19 public junior high schools in Taichung City, Changhua County and Nantou County with ‘Gender Attitude and Inclinations toward Peer Interaction among Junior High School Students’ as the research tool for a questionnaire survey, from which 483 valid questionnaires were obtained. The data collected from these questionnaires was then analyzed using SPSS 22.0 and statistical methods including descriptive statistics, t-test, one way ANOVA, Pearson product moment correlation and multiple regression analysis. The results are outlined below: 1. The junior high school students assume neutral attitude toward feminine male. 2. The students exhibit gender stereotypes to a low degree. 3. The students are inclined toward bullying of feminine male to a low degree. 4. Gender and school experiences can influence attitude toward feminine male, gender stereotypes and inclinations toward bullying of feminine male among these students in the way that the male students or those with negative school experiences assume more negative attitude toward feminine male and to a higher degree exhibit gender stereotypes and are inclined toward bullying of feminine male. 5. Parenting can also influence attitude toward feminine male and inclinations toward bullying of feminine male among these students in the way that those subject to authoritative parenting assume more negative attitude toward feminine male and are to a higher degree inclined toward bullying of feminine male. 6. Grade can influence gender stereotypes among these students in the way that the K8 students exhibit gender stereotypes to a higher degree than the K9 students. 7. Attitude toward feminine male and gender stereotypes have a negative correlation, indicating that the more negative attitude the students assume toward feminine male, the higher the degree to which they exhibit gender stereotypes. 8. Attitude toward feminine male or gender stereotypes among the students have a partial mediation effect on the connection between different backgrounds and inclinations toward bullying of feminine male. 9. Student gender, parenting, attitude toward feminine male and gender stereotypes can jointly predict inclinations toward bullying of feminine male with attitude toward feminine male being the key determinant of inclinations toward bullying of feminine male, indicating that the more negative attitude the students assume toward feminine male, the higher the degree to which they are inclined toward bullying of feminine male. Finally, suggestions are provided based on the results of this study for education and social work authorities or researchers to refer to in promoting gender diversity as well as practices and policies for or research on school bullying prevention.


