  • 學位論文


The pedagogy in Taiwan's public administration: An assessment of the accreditation reports

指導教授 : 孫同文


本研究旨在探討臺灣公共行政教育的現狀與困境。本研究藉由系所評鑑制度的資料觀察臺灣的二十間公共行政相關系所,使用內容分析法及次級資料分析法進行研究,透過目標、特色與自我改善;課程設計與教師教學;學生學習與學生事務;研究與專業表現;畢業生表現五個評鑑指標,歸納整理系所的發展情況和困難,描述當前臺灣公共行政教育之現狀與困境。研究結果之發現如下: 一、目標與特色方面強調培育公共行政管理人才、理論與實務並重;但似乎偏於理   想化且不夠具體清晰。 二、課程與教師方面都是公共政策最為突出;但在安排上與教育目標的契合度仍有   待改善。此外,實習課程似可再增加。 三、學生事務方面導師制度完備、英語能力以全民英檢中級水準最多;但需要再加   強設置外語檢定門檻。 四、研究表現方面不論是公立或私立系所的教師都有不少著作;但可以再提高研究   成果的獎勵以吸引創作。 五、畢業生表現方面選擇就業比升學的多,且碩士班比起學士班有較高的比例在公   部門;但系所追蹤畢業生的動態仍有進步的空間。


The purpose of this study is to discuss the current situation and dilemma of Taiwan’s public administration. The information in this study is using the department accreditation in Taiwan twenty observations related to department of public administration. By conducting content analysis and secondary data analysis, describing the current situation and the plight of the current public administration education in Taiwan are analyzed based on five evaluation criteria, including objectives and features, curriculum design and teaching, student learning and student affairs, research and professional performance, performance of graduates.The results revealed are as follows: 1. In objectives and features aspect:Emphasis on fostering   public administration personnel, both theory and   practice; but somewhat idealistic and seems not specific   enough clarity. 2. In curriculum design and teaching aspect:The most   prominent are public policy; but the arrangement with   the educational goals fit not enough, and internships   can be further increased. 3. In student learning and student affairs aspect:   Mentoring system is complete and proficiency in English   to the intermediate level GEPT maximum; but need to   strengthen foreign language test set threshold. 4. In research and professional performance aspect:Whether   it is public or private, department teachers have a lot   of wrightings; but it can further increase the   incentives to attract creative research. 5. In performance of graduates aspect:Choice of employment   and more than studies, and Master Degree courses higher   than the proportion in the public sector; but the   dynamic system tracked graduates not complete.


public administration pedagogy accreditation


