  • 學位論文


A study of Singapore drop-out student willing to stay in School

指導教授 : 蕭文


在本研究,我們透過了解青少年中輟或考慮輟學的原因,了解那些因子能激勵青少年留在學校求學,找出諮商能協助青少年留校的可能原因。本研究嘗試進一步找出諮商可能或者諮商是一激勵因子,為何諮商可以激勵青少年留校不輟學。本研究採用質性研究,以半結構方式訪談四位中輟或考慮中輟的高危險青少年。本研究找出影響青少年中輟或考慮輟學的危險因子中結合了“推動因子”和“拉動因子”。“推動因子”包括“刻板印象”, “社交因子”,“學校的規章制度”,“對一些學術課程不感興趣”,而“拉動因子”主要是“校外同儕團體”。關於可以激勵青少年留校不中輟的保護因子包括“對為來的目標有預先規劃”,“親情的影響”,“採用柔性的介入”,“有感受到被認可/肯定”,“在社交上有被他人的正向支持”和“在校內與同儕有正向的互動”。針對學校及諮商對的青少年的可能影響和關於此一研究的不足和有限性也有討論。 關鍵字:高危險群,中輟,諮商


高危險群 中輟 諮商


In this study, we seek to find out if counselling can help youths stay in school by understanding the reasons why youths drop out or consider dropping out of school and the factors that would motivate youths to stay in school. The study then attempts to find out if and how counselling could be one of the factors that can motivate youths to stay in school. This study employed a qualitative approach; semi-structured interviews were conducted with four at-risk youths who had dropped out or considered dropping out of school. It was found that youths typically dropped out or considered dropping out due to a combination of push and pull risk-factors. Push risk-factors included perceived discrimination, social factors, school rules and disinterest in certain academic subjects, while pull risk-factors included external peer groups. Protective factors that could motivate youths to stay in school included the perceived relevance of subjects studied to future goals, parental influence, using a “soft” approach, providing affirmation, positive social support from significant others and positive interactions with peers in school. The implications for schools and counsellors and the limitations of the study are also discussed. Keywords: Youths at-risk, dropouts, counselling


Youths at-risk dropouts counselling


Alexander, K. L., Entwisle, D. R., & Kabbani, N. S. (2001). The dropout process in life course perspective: Early risk factors at home and school. Teachers College Record, 103(5), 760-822.
Alliance for Excellent Education (2010). High school dropouts in America. Retrieved from https://www.nationalserviceresources.gov/files/sample-forms/hs-dropouts-in-america.pdf
Alliance for Excellent Education (2011). The high cost of high school dropouts: What the nation pays for inadequate high schools. Retrieved from http://www.all4ed.org/files/HighCost.pdf
American Counseling Association. (2014). What is professional counseling?. Retrieved from http://www.counseling.org/learn-about-counseling/what-is-counseling
