  • 學位論文


On the Development of Primary Education after Đổi Mới Vietnam

指導教授 : 梁錦文


摘要 本研究旨在瞭解1986年革新後越南小學教育發展之情形,同時探討越南小學有關學校數、班級數、師資數、學生數及畢業率之變化情形,以供未來研究越南小學教育者之參考。本研究透過文件分析法、歷史研究法,以及深度訪談法,得到以下研究結果,並對結果進行建議。 研究結果發現,越南革新至今,小學教育的發展有以下之情形:(1)在「學校基本設施」方面較之前完善,但仍有城鄉差距;(2)在「課程與教學」方面,其課程設計及教學方法也較符合現代潮流及強調學生自主學習;(3)在「評量方式」方面,也由抄寫階段進化到有考卷階段,且有統一評量標準;(4)在「師資培育」方面,師資水準及教師素質也獲得提升;(5)在「學校行政組織」方面,也獲得健全的發展;(6)在「小學教育數量型態」方面,學校數驟降與金融危機、教育政策(併校)及天災息息相關;班級數增減與該學年學生數及教育政策(小班制)有關;教室數大幅下降係天災影響;師資數增減是教師轉業及少子化的結果;學生數減少則與政府推行節育政策有關;家庭經濟狀況、家長教育水平和生活區域則會影響該年的畢業率。 最後根據前述研究結果,獲致的建議為:成立「教育優先區」優先改善偏遠山區的教學設施;克服困難規劃全日制課程及更新教學方法;採取多元的評量方式,落實適性化、個別化及多元化的精神;注重教師職前及在職訓練,並鼓勵留學,提升教師素質;成立專案補助計劃,照顧窮人、殘疾兒童、少數民族兒童(尤其是女童),使之受教育機會均等。 關鍵詞:越南小學教育;少子化;.革新


Abstract The purpose of this thesis is going to get knows with the development of the Vietnam’s primary education after 1986. In addition, it was done to investigate number of schools, number of classes, number of teachers even the graduation rate. Via document analytic method, historical methodology and interview law, I manage to get the following results with some suggestions. According to my findings, the development of the primary school’s education since Vietnam’s renovation (Đổi Mới), there are some conditions. First, the school infrastructure become more properly but the gap between village and city still maintain wide. Second, curriculum and teaching method is in keeping with the modern tidal current and encourage the students to become more independent. Third, the students are tested with the examination paper but not on writing skills. Besides that, there is a standardize evaluation method. Fourth, teachers’ quality obtains the promotion. Fifth, school administration organization also got the perfect development. Sixth, judging from education quantity, the decreasing number of schools is related with the financial crisis, educational policy (combination of schools) and natural disaster. Fluctuation of the classes was effected by the students’ enrollment and educational policy (bottom class in kindergarten system). Natural disaster caused the decreasing number of classroom, and, fluctuation of the teachers’ quantity is due to some of the teachers switch to another line profession and result of fewer babies. The number of the students reduces as birth control policy by government. Family financial circumstances, parent education level and life region also effect the graduation rate. Based on findings, there are some suggestions. ‘Educational priority area’ must be set up, that is, far away mountainous area should get the first infrastructure’s improvement. Full- time schooling urge to be planned and the pedagogy should get the innovation. Multi- examination method should be applied. Teachers must be given chances to be trained and be encouraged to further their studies oversea. Auxiliary plan should be established to take care of poor people, children with disabilities, the minority nationality (especially girls), in order to make sure everybody get the study opportunity. Keywords: Vietnam’s primary education; fewer babies;Renovation


王秀南 (1989)。東南亞教育史大綱。新加坡:東南亞研究中心。
