  • 學位論文


Study on the engineering properties of sand mixed with shredded diaper

指導教授 : 劉家男


有鑒於垃圾排放量日益提升,廢棄物回收利用,已經成為各界研究的趨勢,且伴隨著人口高齡化,一次性尿布的使用量漸增,導致了廢棄尿布的製造量增加,目前國內對於廢棄尿布的處理往往都是掩埋或焚化,這勢必對環境造成嚴重的污染,本研究藉由將尿布破碎成短纖維,並依照不同的比例加入砂土中,並進行基本的物理和力學性質試驗,去探討在砂土中加入不同比例的破碎尿布纖維之保水性、滲透性、壓縮性、摩擦角和體積變化所造成的影響。 研究結果顯示,砂土因破碎尿布纖維的加入(複合試體)在最佳含水量和保水的特性將獲得明顯提升,對於需水量較高的植物黃金葛而言,在缺水的情況下,幫助其存活有極大的影響,因破碎尿布纖維成份中含有聚丙烯酸鈉鹽,能有效的把水份留於砂土之中,使水份不會過度蒸散,因聚丙烯酸鈉鹽吸水膨脹的性質導致複合試體的滲透係數降低,更使土壤的壓縮性變大,在力學特性方面,複合試體在含水量低的情況下,能有效地增加純砂土的剪力強度,並降低尖峰剪力的損失,而在飽和狀態下,則會因聚丙烯酸鈉鹽的吸水效果,使複合試體水份超量,壓縮強度隨著破碎尿布纖維量的增加反而降低,但若除去含有聚丙烯酸鈉鹽的成份,複合試體在飽和狀態下,其尖峰強度將會因短纖維加勁的效果而獲得提升。


With increases in garbage generation, waste recycling and reuse have become a key topic of interest in many fields of study. The aging population also led to increased usage of one-time diapers which would be accompanied by increasing quantities of used diapers being discarded. Currently, used diapers in Taiwan are either buried or incinerated. Such disposal methods would lead to serious pollution of the environment. This study reviewed the shredding of diapers into short fibers and mixing them with sand in different proportions. The mixtures were then subject to basic tests to evaluate their physical and mechanical properties. Water retention, permeability, compressibility, angle of friction, and impact caused by volume change of mixtures containing different proportions of shredded diaper fibers were investigated. Research outcomes revealed that adding shredded diaper fibers to sand (compound test specimen) significantly increased optimal water content and water retention properties. Plants such as the devil’s ivy (Epipremnumaureum) that require more water would survive better during dry seasons with the help of such composites. Sodium polyacrylate contained within the shredded diaper fibers could retain water effectively and prevent excessive evaporative loss. Expansion of the sodium polyacrylate when absorbing water would reduce the permeability coefficient of the compound test specimen while increasing soil compressibility. In terms of mechanical properties, the compound test specimen enjoyed significantly greater shearing strength compared to pure sand as well as reduced peak shearing loss. When saturated, however the water absorbing properties of sodium polyacrylate would lead to excessively high water contents of the composite test specimen, resulting in more significant reductions in compressibility and strength which would be worsened by higher shredded diaper fiber contents. However, removing sodium polyacrylate contents would allow the composite test specimen to have increased peak strength imparted by the presence of short fibers when saturated.


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2. ASTM,(2006)“ASTM Standard Test Method for Permeability of Granular Soils”, ASTM International.
3. ASTM,(2011)“ASTM Standard Test Methods for One-Dimensional Consolidation Properties of Soils Using Incremental Loading”, ASTM International.
4. ASTM,(2011)“ASTM Standard Test Method for Direct Shear Test of Soils Under Consolidated Drained Conditions”, ASTM Internationa.
