  • 學位論文


Paternal filicide-suicide incidents and help-seeking experiences

指導教授 : 王珮玲


本研究旨在透過殺子自殺父親之觀點,了解殺子自殺事件脈絡,以及面臨壓力事件時對求助的態度與經驗,並對實務工作及政策提出建議。本研究取向以質性研究為基礎,採用個案研究方法,呈現五名父親殺子自殺事件脈絡與求助經驗,並進行跨個案之分析與討論,最後提出多重個案整體性的研究結論;本研究結果與發現如下: 一、殺子自殺父親與原生家庭的依附關係多不緊密,但在自組家庭中有主要情感依附對象。父親們的社會階層較低、學歷不高、多從事勞力密集工作,工作性質與給薪方式容易影響生活穩定度。父親們遭逢困境時難以尋求協助,對內有「不給家人添麻煩」的思維,對外則是「不清楚求助管道」或「對求助有負向觀感」。 二、殺子自殺父親之情感依附對象若發生重大變故、喪亡,或有意疏遠與結束關係時,便成為殺子自殺父親之重大壓力事件,引發負向情緒感受分別為「阻礙目標/需求」、「損失重要他人」、以及「權力統治」等,當三種負面情緒重覆堆疊,殺子自殺之猶豫期愈短。 三、殺子自殺犯案動機可分成「利他」與「報復」二種;「利他型」主要為單親父親身份,殺子自殺猶豫期長;「報復型」多與伴侶衝突後衝動性殺子自殺、猶豫期短。 四、殺子自殺父親未必有酒精成癮問題,但在案發前都有飲酒行為;殺害手法以燒炭為主、服用安眠藥為輔;案發前無精神醫療就診記錄,案發後經鑑定罹有憂鬱症比例高。此外,原生家庭依附/支持度,亦會影響審級制度及子女生活安排,原生家庭支持度高之殺子自殺父親,司法審判過程中會提出上訴、期能爭取較短之刑期,入獄服刑期間子女可由原生家庭協助看顧;而原生家庭支持度低之受訪者,在地院審理終結後未再提出任何疑異,子女則交由社會局協助安置。


From the perspective of filicide-suicide fathers, this study aims to probe into the context of filicide-suicide incidents, attitudes, and experiences in seeking help when encountering stressful incidents. Suggestions are proposed for practice and policy makers. Based on qualitative research, this study conducts case studies on the filicide-suicide incidents of five fathers, and discusses their experiences of seeking help. Finally, the conclusions on the case studies are proposed. The research findings are as follows: 1. Attachment between filicide-suicide fathers and families of origin is usually not strong. However, in their own families, they have subjects of affective attachment. The fathers have lower social status and educational level. They mostly have labor-intensive jobs, thus, their jobs and payments of salaries easily influence life stability. When encountering obstacles, fathers cannot seek help; in the families, “they avoid the difficulties of family members”, while in the outside world, “they are not familiar with channels to seek help” or “they have a negative attitude toward seeking help”. 2. When filicide-suicide fathers’ emotional attachment subjects encounter serious incidents, death, or have the intention to maintain distance and terminate the relationship, they become filicide-suicide fathers’ significant stressful incidents, resulting in negative emotions and feelings of “blocked needs/goals”, “loss of important others”, and “power dominance”. When these three kinds of negative emotions continuously accumulate, filicide-suicide hesitation time will be shorter. 3. Filicide-suicide motives can be classified into “altruistic” and “revenge”; “altruistic” refers to single-parent fathers and filicide-suicide hesitation time is long; “revenge” refers to impulsive filicide-suicide after having conflict with partner, and hesitation time is short. 4. Filicide-suicide fathers do not necessarily have the problem of alcoholic addiction. However, before taking action, they tended to consume alcohol. The killing method is mainly the burning of carbon and then taking sleeping pills. Before the incidents, they do not have medical records of mental treatment. After the incidents, most test results show that they have depression. In addition, attachment/support of families of origin will influence the system of appeals and arrangements for children’s lives. Filicide-suicide fathers with high support of families of origin often have appeals in the process of judiciary judgment in order to obtain shorter terms of imprisonment. When they serve a prison sentence, the children can be taken by their families of origin. Subjects with low support of families of origin do not propose any rejection or appeals after hearing the decision of the district court, and their children’s lives are arranged by the Social Affairs Bureau.


吳芝儀、李奉儒(譯)(1995)。質的評鑑與研究(原作者:Michael Quinn Patton原著)。台北:桂冠。
