  • 學位論文


The Study on the Senior Women Who Participation in the Life Story of Learning Process of Narrative Studies Courses

指導教授 : 吳明烈


本研究主要目的在探討女性高齡者參與生命故事敘說課程學習歷程,以質性研究 取向,運用深度訪談與八位參與生命故事敘說課程之女性高齡者進行資料收集。希望 透過研究達成以下目的:(1)了解女性高齡者參與生命故事敘說課程學習動機;(2) 探究女性高齡者參與生命故事敘說課程學習方式;(3)探討女性高齡者參與生命故事 敘說課程學習之調適;(4)分析生命故事敘說課程學習對女性高齡者個人與家庭之影 響。 透過八位女性高齡學習者之背景分析,參與課程學習動機分析,參與課程方式分 析,參與學習之調適分析,以及學習歷程對個人與家庭影響分析,統整整體概念與脈 絡,歸納探討獲致之主要結論敘述如下: (一)女性高齡者參與生命故事敘說課程,藉由追求生活刺激等八個學習動機分析 結果發現,有別於一般成人學習動機。在層次上,雖以追求生活刺激為起始意念為多 數,卻是生命發展階段之平衡與和諧,延伸成年期之生產繁衍,為隱而未顯之意圖。 (二) 女性高齡者參與生命故事敘說課程進行方式,以課程學習取向、學習內涵 以及課程發展三個構面分析結果發現;課程學習符應OECD 所提終身學習之四大特 徵-提供系統學習觀、以學習者為中心、重視學習動機、抱持學習(教育)多元目標的 平衡觀點。適合成為個人終身學習的通道,開啟人力資源之培力與培育策略發展。 (三) 女性高齡者參與生命故事敘說課程調適學習過程,雖以學習取向、學習內 涵、課程發展三個層面分析,其結果呈顯的卻是過程之因果關係的視見,不在掙扎之 核心插曲而是生成性腳本的普共性-個人連結於群體。 (四) 女性高齡者參與生命故事敘說課程學習歷程,對個人之影響,在於課程學 III 習發展出一方空間,讓群體在其內實踐,漸漸織起豐厚的人際網絡於課堂,其中人們 既敘說又傾聽,有所求於他人,也對他人負責-彼此有所回應,互相負責。 (五) 女性高齡者參與生命故事敘說課程學習歷程,對家庭影響,在於學習歷程 帶來的認知與環境互動,受女性高齡者個人特質影響,同時也影響女性高齡者個人意 義的形塑,進而產生對外在世界不同詮釋。過程需要時間與空間轉換,方能深入個人 情境抉擇,驅動家庭互動關係邁向生命整全脈動。 依據研究結論,針對研究對象、研究範圍以及未來研究方向提出建議,以供參考。


The aim of this study is to explore the experiences of senior women who participated in the life story of learning process of narrative studies courses. It adopted the qualitative research and deeply interview method with information collected from interviews with eight subjects. The author hoped to achieve the following 4 objectives through the research:(1) to understand the motivations of the senior women's participation in the life story narrative courses ;(2) to research the learning styles of the senior women's participation in the life story narrative courses;(3) to discuss the adaptation of courses on the senior women's participation in the life story narrative courses learning;(4) to analyze the influence of the individuals and the families of the senior women's participation in the life story learning of narrative studies courses. Through analysis of the backgrounds of eight senior female learners, the motivations of participation in courses, the mode in curriculum, the adaption of courses, and the learning process impacts on the individuals and the families, integration overall concepts and contexts, and discussion attainable,the study arrives at the following conclusions : (1)Analyzed the eight motivations of senior women to participate in narrative courses of life story are different from the general adult population's learning motivations. Life in pursuit of stimulation is a starting idea for most, but it is the balance and harmony of life stages of development and extending the production of the breeding adult that was the intent of the hidden meaning. (2)The results of analysis the senior women's participation in the life story narrative courses conduct of orientation courses, learning and curriculum development connotation V are matched the OECD mentioned four characteristics of lifelong learning-learning concept providing the system perspectives,learner-centered,attention to motivations,holding a balanced viewpoint of learning(education) multiple goals that suit as one of personal lifelong learning paths and turn the power of the human resources training and foster strategic development. (3) The senior women's participation in the life story narrative curriculum adaptation process of orientation courses, learning and curriculum development connotation are related not in the struggle core of the episode, but in the commonality of generated script-personal link to the team. (4)Narratives of the stories of senior women's participation in the life courses to develop one space, so that teams within its practice gradually weave closed networks of people in the classroom . When people both narrative and listen, they demonstrate desires to others, but also responsibility to others – they have responded to each other, and they are responsible for each other. (5)Cognition and environment interacted with life story narrative courses that influenced the traits of senior women and affected senior women's personal sense of meaning and produced different interpretations of the external world.The process needs space conversion and taking time, and can deeply in personal choice situation. It drives the family interaction towards holistic pulsating life. The discussion and suggestions drawn from the conclusions of this study are intended to aid future related studies, community organizations, professional teachers providing elderly services, and senior learners.


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