  • 學位論文


The Interpretation of Bellini's Giulietta and Gounod's Juliette

指導教授 : 陳榮貴


羅密歐與茱麗葉這雙年輕愛侶的淒美故事數百年以降廣泛流傳,在古今眾多描繪堅貞愛情的作品中非但未被埋沒,甚可謂歷久彌新,並被廣泛採用至各類表演藝術呈現。將此題材改編為歌劇作品的,屆今至少已產生逾三十齣;其中最負盛名的,莫過於義大利作曲家溫琴佐.貝里尼(Vincenzo Bellini, 1801 - 1835)的《卡普列堤與蒙泰奇》(I Capuleti e i Montecchi, 1830)與法國作曲家夏勒.弗朗索瓦.古諾(Charles-François Gounod, 1818 - 1893)的《羅密歐與茱麗葉》(Roméo et Juliette, 1867)。這兩位同處浪漫時期的異國作曲家,能在諸多相似作品中脫穎而出,其取材與編寫必有其獨到之處;本研究藉由女主角茱麗葉於此兩齣歌劇中共四首選曲之和聲運用、配器方式及聲樂曲調上,瞭解並比較兩位作曲家基本的音樂語言,更擴大分析茱麗葉角色形塑之細節,研擬該角妥切的肢體詞彙與動作情緒,並安排設計兼具符合時代背景及演出效能之舞台與服裝,基於此般深度研討之後,方可處理相同角色——茱麗葉——於相異劇本與音樂中如何分別展現得當,以期在演出時能更適切地表達出歌劇作曲家所欲呈現之角色情感與內涵。


貝里尼 古諾 茱麗葉 角色詮釋


The story of Romeo and Juliet has been around for hundreds of years and still stands out among numerous great romances that depict unwavering love. It passed the test of time and has been adapted into various versions of performances. There are about thirty operas that are based on this plot, among them, the most celebrated ones are “I Capuleti e i Montecchi” (1830) by Italian composer Vincenzo Bellini (1801-1835) and “Roméo et Juliette” (1867) by French composer Charles-François Gounod (1818-1893). The works of these two romantic composers must have something unique in their way of arranging and utilizing materials for their pieces to put other pieces in the shade. This interpretation tries to compare and understand these two composers’ basic musical languages along with the detail shaping the Juliet character through analyzing four except from these two operas and their orchestration, harmonic progression, and the melodic arrangement. Subsequently, proper body language, movement, and emotion will be accordingly devised together with the era-appropriate and stage-efficient costume and backdrop. Based on this in-depth discussion, the same Juliet characters can be handled as it should be in two different plays and music so the composers’ wishes for their character’s emotion and profundity can be fulfilled and granted more accurately.


Bellini Gounod Juliet character interpretation


Lang, Paul Henry. The Experience of Opera. New York: W. W. Norton, 1973.
Riley, Dick and McAllister, Pam. 《一本書完全貼近莎士比亞》(The Bedside, Bathtub & Armchair Companion to Shakespeare)謝瑤玲 譯。台北:圓神,2006。
Bellini, Vincenzo, I Capuleti e I Montecchi, canto e pianoforte. Italy: Ricordi.
Bellini, Vincenzo, Romeo and Juliet, conductor’s score. Florida: Edwin F. Kalmus.
Gounod, Charles, Romeo and Juliet, conductor’s score. Florida: Edwin F. Kalmus.


