  • 學位論文


Using Implicit Association Test to Measure Students’ Implicit Attitudes toward Environmental Attitude

指導教授 : 張俊彥


本研究為避免社會讚許反應在態度測量上的影響,應用內隱聯結測驗來測量學生低碳生活行為態度,我們開發了一個新的內隱聯結測驗來測量學生在低碳生活行為的內隱態度並與傳統自評式量表的外顯態度做比較,研究結果發現,內隱聯結測驗比起傳統的自評式量表有更高的信效度(Cronbach’s Alpha=.92),並且更能避免社會讚許反應所帶來的影響。


To avoid social desirability responding, we apply the Implicit Association Tests (IAT) technique (Greenwald, McGhee, & Schwartz, 1998; Banaji, 2001) to measure students’ implicit attitudes toward low carbon behavior attitude. A new IAT instrument was developed and the results compared with the self-report Explicit Behavior Attitude (EBA) questionnaire for exploring the validity of IAT. We find the IAT does have more advantages in validity and reliability (Cronbach’s Alpha=.92), and effective in measuring the implicit attitudes on low carbon behavior attitude to avoid social desirability responding.


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