  • 學位論文


The impact of news reports by the print media on H1N1 vaccination

指導教授 : 葉國樑


本論文分析自2009年11月1日起至2010年2月24日止,台灣地區每日接揰H1N1新型流感疫苗人數與疾病管制局對平面新聞輿情監控系統評估值之間的關係。 主要之研究目的包括針對H1N1新型流感流行期間平面媒體對疫苗政策主要關注議題分析,以及H1N1新型流感疫苗政策推動期間媒體正、負面報導情形分析,瞭解媒體工具如何影響政府推動疫苗施打政策。更進一步探討平面媒體報導影響民眾接種H1N1疫苗意願之關係與程度(以我國四大報為主要研究標的)。 將四大平面媒體之評估值與疫苗接種人數,經由包括敘述性統計分析、相關分析及迴歸分析後,歸結以下主要結論: 一、四大平面媒體報導內容,並未明顯影響施打疫苗人數。 二、研究期間媒體報導仍以中立屬性之新聞報導居多,屬正、負面之報導較少,顯示主流平面媒體報導仍以中立之立場為主。 三、我國政府推動相關防疫政策之宣導與各項公關措施具顯成效,未來更應加強政策行銷、宣導及衛生教育的推動。


This study was to analyze the relationship between the daily count of people vaccinated against the H1N1 flu and data from the media monitoring system operated by the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control from November 1, 2009, to February 24, 2010. The main research objectives include an analysis of main policy issues related to H1N1 vaccination covered by the press during the H1N1 pandemic, and Analysis of the proportion of positive versus negative coverage of H1N1 vaccination policy in the media in order to understand how the media influence government vaccination policy and its implementation. An investigation of whether and to what extent the press influences the public’s willingness to receive the H1N1 vaccine. (The four major daily newspapers in Taiwan were used as the basis for analysis.) After analyzing materials from the four main newspapers and the daily counts of people vaccinated against the H1N1 flu using methods including descriptive analysis, analysis of correlation and regression analysis, the following conclusions were drawn: 1.Content in four main media seemed to not have great influence over the number of vaccinated individuals. 2.The print media remained neutral during the research period, and they did not carry a large number of positive or negative reports. This shows that the mainstream media remained largely neutral. 3.The outcomes show that the government’s disease control policy and public relation measures have great effects; therefore, more focus should be placed upon marketing government policy, advocacy, and health education and promotion in the future.


vaccination print media H1N1


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