  • 學位論文


Thesis Topic: Study of Shun’s Story in “Mencius”

指導教授 : 林安梧
共同指導教授 : 賴賢宗


《孟子》相關研究汗牛充棟,有鑑於舜橫跨「神話」、「巫術」、「先秦儒學」三個時代,加以《孟子》一書對舜的高頻率徵引,筆者以「舜」為媒介,企圖在具體的情境中,觀察不同時空之下舜故事的內容與詮釋,欲藉由不同文本中舜形象的延續與轉變,說明舜之於《孟子》的意涵,並以茲彰顯孟子思想與宋明儒學之差異處,及其與神話、巫術的親緣性。   第一章為緒論,說明本論文的研究動機與方法。第二章〈舜故事之神話形象及其意義〉指出,舜在神話中的英雄形象,乃是先民渴望英雄的集體心理。再由舜感生於鳳凰、幻化為龍鳥、以動物為氏族圖騰的情節,說明其中「物我一體」的思維特質和母系社會特徵。 第三章〈舜故事在《孟子》中的轉化和延續〉對比神話和《孟子》舜形象之異同,說明兩文本的角色特質、情節內容、敘事手法雖異,然其皆蘊含感情基質、連續性、超越性的思維。從「一體」到「一本」,實由同一文化母土孕育而成。   第四章〈舜故事在《孟子》中所涉人倫與公義之討論〉則在〈舜號泣於旻天〉和〈瞽瞍殺人〉兩個故事情境中,說明「心──性──天」脈絡之下,孝悌具有貫通天人性命的深義,也窺見儒家倫理「情法相連」的特色。第五章〈舜故事在《孟子》中的儒學核心意涵〉指出,舜之於《孟子》有「性善」、「孝悌」、「道統」三大意義。舜的心性縱向貫通天道,橫向推恩於人際,成為跨越時空的道德指標。   本論文藉舜故事形象的轉化與延續探討孟子言舜之意義,指出孟子學重視孝悌人倫,性善必須在人際互動中長養;亦由神話巫術中探索儒學之根源,申明先秦儒學的心性討論必須扣合天道來談。


孝悌 先秦儒學 孟子 性善論


There have been so many books to be associated with the study of “Mencius” to the extent of overabundance, and due Shun is talked about across the three eras respectively as “Mythology”, “Witchcraft”, and “Confucianism before Qin Dynasty”, plus the Shun figure had been quoted over and over in “Mencius”, the writer here would like to use “Shun” as the medium, with attempt to observe the contents and illustrations of Shun’s stories under those different times by way of concrete scenarios, moreover, through the legacy and transformation of Shun’s image in different manuscripts, to explain the meanings of relationship between Shun and “Mencius”, in order to point out clearly what the differences are between Mencius’s principles and the Confucianism in both Song and Ming Dynasties, as well as their affinity with mythologies and witchcrafts.   The first chapter is Introduction, to illustrate the research motives and methods of the paper. In the second chapter about “the mythological image and meaning of Shun’s stories”, to indicate that Shun being depicted as hero in the mythologies is basically an aggregate psychology in thirst of a true hero by the forefathers. To then further explain from the scenes where Shun was portrayed to be born from Phoenix, able to be transformed into a dragon, as well as a totem of having animals as family, in which the thought lines of “substance and oneself as one” and the characteristics of a maternity society. In the third chapter “Transformation and Legacy of Shun’s Stories in ‘Mencius’”, to make comparison of differences for Shun’s figures between the Mythologies and Mencius, illustrating the role characteristics and scene contents in both manuscripts, while the descriptive manners were varied, however, the thoughts hidden in them are all with emotional substance, to be enduring and transcended. From “one substance” to “one essence”, both of them were actually nurtured by a mother land of the same cultures.   In the fourth chapter “Discussions of Ethics and Justice Involved Shun’s Stories in ‘Mencius’”, to illustrate respectively in the two story scenes-“Shun Was Howling in the Fall” and “Shun’s Father-Ku Sao Killed Someone”, which under the pattern of “Heart-Human Nature-Heaven”, filial obedience and fraternal duty are with the deep meaning to go beyond the fulfillment of life based upon the full substance of Way of Divine Heaven and Human Ethics as in one, at the same time, to also get a peek on the characteristics of “Emotions and laws were bound together” in the ethics of Confucianism.   In the fifth chapter “Core Meaning of Confucianism for Shun’s Stories in ‘Mencius’”, to indicate that for Mencius, Shun’s figure was with three major meanings, including “Intrinsic of Human Nature As Goodness”, “Filial Obedience and Fraternal Duty”, and “Taoism”. For Shun, he had a heart to connect vertically with the Way of Divine Heaven, at the same time, to give out favors horizontally to people, eventually to become the moral benchmark across times and space.   In the paper, with the transformation and legacy of image in Shun’s stories, to make investigation on the meaning of relationship between Mencius and Shun, and to indicate that the study of Mencius stressed on the ethics of both filial obedience and fraternal duty, and the goodness of human nature must always be developed among the interactions of human relationships; moreover, to make explorations on the origin of Confucianism in both mythologies and witchcrafts, and to state that the discussions of human nature in the Confucianism before Qin Dynasty must be put into perspectives with the Way of Divine Heaven.


林安梧:《中國近現代思想觀念史論》,(臺北:學生,1995年) 。
