  • 學位論文


The Effects of Attributional Complexity and Counterfactual Thinking on the Relationship between NFC and Punishment Decision

指導教授 : 林育聖


過去關於刑罰決定的研究多關注刑罰目的理論,較少研究針對個人對刑罰決定差異之因素作探討。而從思考到作決定過程中有許多個體差異因素在其中,過去Sargent(2004)的研究發現,認知需求為刑罰決定的差異因素之一,高認知需求者傾向低刑罰,而解釋此關係更深入的變項為歸因複雜性,高認知需求者常會對犯罪事件作出外在環境歸因所致。此外,為了瞭解認知需求與懲罰決定間更深入的關係,Petrocelli與Dowd (2009)的研究則發現反事實思考為影響認知需求與懲罰決定之調節變項,高認知需求者若從事過多的反事實思考,會對犯罪事件加害人產生過多責備與歸責,進而亦產生重刑罰決定,而此研究限制在於未針對受試者反事實思考內容分析。本研究從個人層次著手,直接探討歸因複雜性及反事實思考對認知需求與懲罰決定關係之影響。第一部份分析結果發現,認知需求與懲罰決定確實為負相關,但歸因複雜性之中介效果未達統計顯著水準,原因在於依變項並未完全使用與過去研究相同所致,本研究主要依變項聚焦在應報觀點下之懲罰決定。另外,反事實思考作業有無操弄上,其調節效果顯著,高認知需求者在有進行反事實思考下,其懲罰決定較輕。在反事實思考作業組的分析結果顯示,在反事實思考形成頻率高時,高認知需求者較低認知需求者產生較重刑罰決定。而針對反事實思考作業組造句內容分析發現,若造句數量之內歸因句比例較高時會產生較重之刑罰決定。本研究認為,認知需求確實可作為預測懲罰決定之變項,而反事實思考的有無與形成頻率確實對認知需求與懲罰決定間有調節效果存在,此外,若對加害人產生較多的內歸因則會有較重的懲罰決定,此結果可驗證過去研究結果,並補足未分析之部分。


Most of the previous studies focused on the purpose of penalty, and only a few studies discussed the individual difference in punishment decisions. Sargent’s (2004) study examined the relationship between need for cognition (NFC) and support for punitive responses to crime. The results suggest that high-NFC individuals are less supportive of punitive measures because they endorse more complex attribution for human behavior than their counterparts with low-NFC. Furthermore, Petrocelli and Dowd’s (2009) indicated that the counterfactual thinking in response to an unfortunate crime moderates the NFC-punishment relationship: high-NFC individuals may generate more counterfactual thinking, which has been linked to greater judgments of blame and responsibility. Thus high-NFC individuals make severer punishment decision. However, Petrocelli and Dowd’s (2009) study did not analyze the contents of counterfactual thinking. The current study is aimed to investigate the effects of attributional complexity and counterfactual thinking on the relationship between NFC and punishment decision. The results demonstrate that the relationship between the NFC and punishment decision is negative related, but the attributional complexity’s did not mediate the effects of NFC on punishment decision. This difference could be caused by the different measures of punishment decision between current study and Sargent’s (2004) study. The moderation effects of counterfactual thinking are found, the high-NFC individuals engage in counterfactual thinking their punitive response are less severe than the low-NFC individuals. However, if the high-NFC individuals generate more counterfactual thinking, their punishment decision will severer than the low-NFC individuals. Finally, individuals’ counterfactual thinking with higher proportion of the internal attribution is more likely to have punitive responses to crime. These findings are discussed in the light of punishment theories and successfully confirm the past research studies.


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