  • 學位論文


A Study on the Governance of Taiwan Depositary Receipts

指導教授 : 劉連煜


隨著新政府的上台及兩岸關係和緩之環境下,金管會於2008 年9 月11日宣布開放國外企業來台第一、第二上市櫃,針對外國公司欲來台上市,外國公司倘若已於我國所認可之外國證券市場上市者,得來台申請第二上市櫃暨發行台灣存託憑證(Taiwan Depositary Receipt,簡稱TDR)。 台灣首檔台商回台上市的中國旺旺台灣存託憑證正式掛牌上市後,股價跳空攻上漲停板,順利拉開蜜月行情序幕,然而接續卻發生許多投資人慘賠之事件,令人深感遺憾。本文將以台灣存託憑證之法制為核心,先論述目前開放外國公司來台第二上市之相關背景及法律架構,並參考美國、香港及新加坡之證券市場監管措施,檢討我國第二上市法規之問題後提出本文的建議,期望能探尋第二上市在台灣發展不佳之真正原因。 本論文第一章為緒論,說明本論文之研究動機、研究方法,以及論文之架構;第二章將深入的瞭解企業發行台灣存託憑證之情況,探究我國目前第二上市目前之法制;第三章將探討我國第二上市之監理法制,探詢其缺失,以作為立法建議之參考;第四章針對美國、香港與新加坡之第二上市之法制研究,瞭解其他國家如何規制其外國發行人?以及股東權益如何保障?對現行法之疑義提出總結;第五章,以投資人保護之觀點來探詢其他法制(如信託)對TDR投資人保護增加之可能性,並提出保障TDR投資人之根本解決之道。最後於第六章提出本文結論。




The opening of the Taiwan Stock Exchange to foreign issuers is of interest to a wide range of companies seeking to raise additional capital on Taiwan's active capital market. This can either be in the form of a primary listing of the shares of the foreign issuer or the secondary listing of the foreign issuer by way of Taiwan Depository Receipts ("TDRs"). In Taiwan, the foreign issuer may establish TDRs by appointing a Taiwan depository institution to issue TDRs to the public on the basis of and representing a number of new or existing shares of the issuer which the issuer must first deposit with a custodian institution appointed by the depository. The custodian will usually be located in the foreign issuer's jurisdiction of primary listing. However, numerous adverse news of TDRs have appeared in recent years. It is crucial to be aware of the governance of TDRs and acknowledged the regulations and rules of TDRs. Five chapters are included in the thesis. Chapter one is the introduction. Chapter two is the introduction for the regulations of TDRs. Chapter three is the current governance of TDRs in Taiwan. Chapter four is the foreign governance of DRs, especially the United States, Singapore and Hong Kong. Chapter five will be the observation and overview of TDRs’ governance and the conclusion will be included in the chapter six.




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