  • 學位論文


The Study of Importance Perception and Demand of the Ubiquitous Kitchen

指導教授 : 李再長


面對全球化挑戰,如何以高科技提升生活品質,已成為世界先進國家科技政策推動重要的議題。因此,行政院2008年提出以「智慧台灣」主軸下之「優質生活」議題為焦點,積極運用新科技建構智慧化居住空間、智慧生活科技應用等重要議題,以因應未來生活需求的挑戰,提升人民生活滿意度。 由於過去較少智慧化科技與產品相關研究,因此,本研究為使以智慧化廚房為中心的設計得以在優質的智慧化居住空間中實現,針對使用者的需求加以分析與了解,以便設計師可以針對使用者的使用特性及需求進行設計。本研究之研究對象為針對居住於五大都會區與兩大次都會區且家中具備資訊設備(電腦與網路)之「家中廚房主要使用者」,共發出1445份紙本問卷與213份網路問卷,回收有效回卷1000份。 本研究以問卷發放方式,作為主要資料蒐集的方式。根據問卷結果及文獻探討的整理歸納。本研究結果得知: 1.有效地增進使用者對於科技產品有用性與易用性的瞭解,有助於提升使用者之科技接受度,進而影響使用者對於新科技產品之重要與需求程度; 2.高齡化社會導致家庭需特別關照高齡之安全與健康問題,並且必須克服行動與生活上的不便,因此特別重視其安全性與便利性; 3.設計者可加強智慧化廚房設計開發,創造一個更符合高齡者與身心障礙者使用需求的智慧化環境。最後根據實證結果提建議以及後續研究建議。


Faced with the challenges of globalization, enhancing the quality of life with high-tech has become an important issue in the policy of technologically advanced countries. Therefore, the Executive Yuan of Taiwan in 2008 initiated the "Smart Taiwan" and "Quality Life" focus issues, to promote the use of new technologies, including the broadband infrastructure, remote health care, smart living spaces, smart living technology and applications, in response to the challenges of the future needs and to improve people's satisfaction in their lives. This study aims to analyze what the users want in a smart kitchen, so that a design centered on the Smart Kitchen can be realized in a quality smart living space. This enables designers to address the characteristics and requirements of clients and design adequate user interface and functionality, and let the users get closer to have better and more convenient products. Therefore, this study employed purposive sampling method to conduct the survey. We samapled "primary users of home kitchens" in homes equipped with internet in five metropolitan regions and two sub-metropolitan regions, and send out 1445 paper questionnaires and 213 online questionnaires. In this study, there are three main findings: (1) To enhance consumers’ ability of getting to understand technological product of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, the technology acceptance of consumers will increase and consumers will have the importance perception and demand of new technological products.(2) The problems of safety and health for the elderly people must be taken care of in the counter-ageing society. Besides, more stress should be place on the security and convenience to make their life easier and better.(3) In order to create a Ubiquitous kitchen environment which meets the need of the elderly and the disable people, designers can reinforce the development of Ubiquitous kitchen. Finally, empirical results based on number of points can be built up by the proposed recommendations and follow-up study.


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