  • 學位論文


The Influence of Learners' Goal Orientation on Learning Achievement of e-Learning -- The Mediating Roles of Learning Strategies and Effort Strength

指導教授 : 陳嵩


在競爭日趨激烈、顧客需求快速變動的市場,學習能使企業的市場資訊處理速度優於競爭對手,讓企業維持長期競爭優勢。然而組織學習最終還是要透過組織內個別成員的學習,組織成員的學習與知識累積才是組織競爭優勢的主要來源,因此對追求永續經營的企業而言,員工的學習扮演舉足輕重的角色。為了使員工能夠随時随地、不受時空限制的進行學習,許多企業導入了「數位學習(e-Learning)」系統。 目前已有少數研究以學習策略為中介變項,探討企業員工目標取向對e-Learning學習成效的影響,惟至今尚乏研究考量e-Learning的特色,探討、驗證e-Learning學習過程學習者努力強度的中介角色。本研究以企業員工數位學習為背景,以員工的e-Learning學習策略、努力強度為中介變數,探討、推論(1)企業員工的目標取向(包括學習取向、證明取向、迴避取向)對e-Learning學習成效(包括學習滿度度、知識獲得、及技能提昇)的影響,(2)企業員工目標取向對採用的e-Learning學習策略(包括認知策略、後設認知及資源經營策略)、努力強度(包括演練次數、演練時間、専注程度)的影響,(3)企業員工採用的e-Learning學習策略及努力強度對學習成效的影響,並以使用D公司「ERP操作教學的e-Learning平台」的295位企業員工為問卷調查實證對象。 結構方程模式(SEM)的路徑分析(path analysis)結果顯示,(1)受試者的學習、證明目標取向對e-Learning學習成效呈顯著正向影響、迴避目標取向則呈顯著負向影響;(2)受試者的學習、證明目標取向對e-Learning學習過程採用的學習策略及努力強度多呈顯著正向影響、迴避目標取向則無顯著影響;(3)受試者的e-Learning學習策略及努力強度對學習成效呈顯著正向影響;(4)受試者的學習及證明目標取向主要透過中介變項—e-Learning學習策略及努力強度間接影響其學習成效,受試者的迴避目標取向則會直接且負向的影響學習成效。最後本研究依據實證結果提出建議,以供企業主管及負責推動員工教育訓練的人力資源部門參考。


Facing increasing competition and increased customer sophistication, learning can help the enterprises to increase competitive advantages for long-team. Therefore, how to train and enhance the ability of employees is important for the business. Learning has played an important role in business administrator. many companies introduce the “e-Learning” system to enable employees to anytime, anywhere, free from constraints of time and space to study. There have many research using learning strategies as mediating variables, explores the influence of employee’s goal orientations to learning achievement. However, little research considers the characteristics of e-Learning, and examines the mediating role of effort strength. This study, with the e-learning of employees as background, and treating employee’s learning strategies and effort strength as mediating variables, explores (1)the influence of employee’s goal orientations (including learning, proving and avoid goal orientation) to learning achievement), (2)the influence of employee’s goal orientations to learning strategies(including cognitive, meta-cognitive and resource strategies) and effort strength (including time on task, practice level and on-task attention ), (3)the influence of employee’s learning strategies and effort strength to their learning achievement. 295 employees form the enterprise using e-learning platform for ERP were sampled as subjects. A path analysis of the structural equation modeling shows that (1)employee’s learning and proving orientation has significantly positive affect on their learning achievement, avoid goal orientation have negative positive affect on their learning achievement, (2)employee’s learning and proving orientation have significantly positive impact on their learning strategies and effort strength, avoiding orientation did not has any impact, (3)employee’s learning strategies and effort strength has positive impact on their learning achievement, (4)employee’s learning and proving orientation indirectly affects learning achievement through learning strategies and effort strength. Finally, managerial implications are provided for human resources management and department management.


李元墩、吳濟民、艾昌瑞、涂嘉峪(民96)。組織學習、知識分享與新產品開發績效關效之研究:台灣知識密集產業之實證。科技管理學刊,第12卷,第1 期,55-86。
