  • 學位論文

消費者加入虛實通路排隊成因之研究 -以iPhone手機銷售為例

Customer Willingness to Join a Virtual or Physical Queue to Purchase –A Case of iPhone

指導教授 : 梁直青


在面對需要接觸的服務,消費者無法避免等候之狀況,隨之造就排隊現象的形成。以消費者於實體通路排隊而言,現今的消費者在面臨服務的等候時,往往以情緒來反應等候的不耐。因為等待使我們放棄更有效率的方式去利用我們的時間,並且可能增加額外的付出,甚至不良的等候服務設計可能導致毀壞客戶和服務組織之間的關係。虛擬通路使消費者不用經歷艱辛的等候過程,當於網站完成購買程序,便可在等候貨物到達期間,有效的利用這段時間。因此,若業者能利用兩者通路不同之優勢,了解消費者於不同通路之特性,應有助於業者策劃兩通路間的競合策略。 本研究以滾雪球抽樣方法,並曾於網路購買iPhone與具實體通路排隊經驗者抽取樣本,進行問卷發放,總計回收有效問卷446份。透過信效度分析、因素分析、集群分析與判別分析,以區隔不同群體消費者之特性。此外,透過結構方程模式進行驗證性因素分析,確立本研究測量指標與實際資料之關係。 本研究依據過往文獻整理,以社會影響力、消費者感知、等待資訊、廠商手段與網站服務品質為市場區隔基礎,配合人口統計變數與消費者行為,深入了解於不同集群之消費者特性差異。結果顯示消費者可區分為實體排隊群與虛擬排隊群;實體排隊群會受消費者感知影響,虛擬排隊群則受網站服務品質與社會影響力之影響。不同群體之消費者行為在排隊等待時間、排隊人數與上網時間有顯著差異。 本研究所建立之測量指標,可為業者針對不同通路消費者擬定符合其群體特性之行銷策略,消弭消費者於等候過程之負面感知,增進消費者加入排隊意願,以減少消費者中途離開隊伍之可能,除了維持舊顧客忠誠度,也能成為潛在顧客加入排隊之誘因。


服務業 排隊 模糊語意 集群分析


anies of consumer electronics. For the consumer-electronics retailing, virtual or physical channel is a major promotion method to attract people for purchase. Customers are willing to queue on virtual (the internet) or physical (retailing stores) channel to pre-order product. However, the reasons that people are willing to queue is still unrevealed. This study adopted fuzzy method to explore the uncertain human decisions. Furthermore, this study identified potential factors affecting people's willingness to queue. The principal component analysis is adopted to find the principal variables from social impact, consumer perception, virtual and physical channel competing relationship, marketing method, and the e-service quality. Using cluster analysis segmented the characteristics of consumers. Finally, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is adopted to confirm the analytical results of principal component analysis. Finally, this study identified factor dimensions of consumers to join virtual or physical channels. The analytical results showed that three factors including e-service quality, social impact and consumer perception are significant impacting customer willingness to queue. These indicators can serve as managers to use marketing strategies to attract consumers to join the queue basis.


Services industry Waiting Fuzzy Cluster analysis


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