  • 學位論文


Applying the Eye Tracking System to Explore the Layout Design of Travel DM

指導教授 : 顏宏旭


國內近來文化觀光興盛,旅遊資訊分享與傳播已成勢不可擋趨勢,旅遊DM (Direct Mail)常被用來做為吸引顧客的行銷手段之一。本研究透過眼動儀偵測視覺途徑,了解觀看者閱讀DM的最優先注視區塊為何,作為設計者呈現最吸引力的行銷區塊之參考依據。主要的研究目的如下: (1)如何在一般旅遊的DM版面配置,有效的抓住讀者第一目光、(2)一般閱讀習慣是否能運用於旅遊DM的版面配置上。(3) 受測者心中所認為最重要的旅遊DM元素是否影響其閱讀順序。 本文利用旅遊網站篩選30份旅遊DM,歸納出常見五大類元素為:旅遊地名稱標題、旅遊行程路線、宣傳景點照片、價格、主辦旅行社名稱。為符合版面平均分配原則,擬設計四類元素呈現「田」字擺放;透過100份線上隨機問卷調查篩選出旅遊者心中認為最重要四類元素分別為:旅遊地名稱標題、旅遊行程路線、宣傳景點照片、價格,擬製一份新的旅遊DM。四類元素原組合24種版本,依文獻顯示最優先閱讀起始點為左上,將四元素依問卷調查結果由最重要到不重要分別各置於左上且順時針排列,為避免視覺疲勞故篩選至四張圖元素不同排列方式的新旅遊DM。由50名自願受測者,每人約費時3分鐘觀看新擬製DM。結果顯示,受測者最先觀察的區塊為左上方或右上方;閱讀習慣呈現多元模式,其中「倒N」型為最多量,此與中文閱讀順序有關;而心裡認定重要元素不影響閱讀優先性,但在「價格」、「標題」兩元素間有最多一致性。故後續研究可以針對影響閱讀習慣部分做更深入認知調查或增加樣本數,而設計者可利用版面上半部,強調價格與旅遊地標題,作為放置最有吸引力的資訊呈現。


Cultural Tourism has become trendy, and it is irresistible for travelers to share and receive information from every channel. The travel DM (Direct Mail) has been one of the most popular marketing ways to draw customers’ attention. This paper aims to analyze the readers’ first sights when viewing DM through eye tracking systems. In this way by using the systems, the most attractive information can be emphasized at the first place. Three study purposes are as below, (1) how to captivate one’s first sight on designed layouts of travel DM,(2) whether reading habits can be applied to the reading of travel DM and(3)whether the preferred traveling element affects to the reading habits. This study has collected 30 travel DM from tour webs, concluding the common five elements, such as the title of destination, itinerary, pictures, agency and price. In order to divide the elements into four parts equally, the four has been selected by 100 copies of online questioners randomly. The elements valued from readers intend for the top four elements including the title of destination, itinerary, pictures, and price, which are remade as a new travel DM in the approximate same sizes in four. To avoid the respondents' eye strain, this research narrows 24 versions into 4. According to the literature review, the upper left is regarded as the starting area of reading. The selected four elements, the title of destination, itinerary, pictures, and agency, take turns at upper left and the rest of them is arranged clock wisely. We invited 50 volunteers to join the experiment and each of them spent three minutes in reading the remade DM. The results explain that the upper left and the upper right part of the space are noticed at first; however, reading habits vary widely. The small portion of them reflects the opposite「N」shape in reading routes, relating to the Chinese reading habits. What elements subjects expected is not correlated with their perceiving; however, the most connection appears in “title of destination” and “price.” Therefore, the follow-up researches allow we to aim at factors affecting people's reading habits in more deeper investigation or increasing the samples. Last but not least, designers can accent the upper part of the space to promote the most attractive information efficiently.


Eye-tracking Reading habit Layout Travel DM


