  • 學位論文


A Study on Quantification of Supply Chain System Complexity

指導教授 : 張洝源


由於全球市場的快速變化,企業為了永續經營,除了強化自身的能力外,如何快速且有效的回應顧客的需求,更是影響企業生存的關鍵。因此,企業開始思索從原物料取得、生產製造以及配送產品至終端客戶的流程,將所有資源加以整合,以更有效率的方法,消除不必要的作業與環節,以提高整體價值,並即時提供對企業有利的資訊供決策之用,以期滿足顧客之需求。 供應鏈管理的重要性,已然受到學術界與產業界極高度的關注。但是,供應鏈成員之間各個環節,皆存在相互間之因果關係,而形成複雜且相互關聯的供應鏈網路結構,本研究嘗試提出供應鏈系統的複雜度衡量的量化模式,以期提供管理者對供應鏈系統之複雜性,能瞭解其意義與內涵,進而提升供應鏈運作之效能。 首先,本研究針對供應鏈系統複雜度的概念加以探討,將複雜性定義為結構複雜性和動態複雜性兩部分,再利用資訊理論(Information Theory)和決策實驗室分析法(Decision making trial and evaluation laboratory, DEMATEL),將供應鏈系統複雜性加以解構,進而提出量化之模式,探討供應鏈系統複雜性之核心的問題,提供管理決策者,能更有效率的方式來改善供應鏈的上游和下游的關鍵環節,減少不必要的成本和無效率的額外浪費,以提供供應鏈管理效能提升的另一個思考方向。


To seek sustainable development in this fast-changing global market, enterprises now need to enhance their abilities and react to customer demands in a quick and effective manner. Therefore, they have begun to integrate resources involved in raw material acquisition, manufacturing, and delivery to end customers and adopt more efficient methods which can help them eliminate unnecessary operations, enhance overall values, and provide useful information for decision-making, in hope of effectively satisfying customer demands. The importance of supply chain management has been highly emphasized in both the academic and industrial arenas. However, casual relationships exist among operations of supply chain members, so a supply chain system is characterized by a complex and inter-correlated network. This study was aimed to propose a quantitative model to measure complexity of supply chain systems to help managers understand the meaning and content of supply chain system complexity and further enhance the efficiency of supply chain operations. The concept of supply chain system complexity was discussed first. Complexity was defined as including structural complexity and dynamic complexity. DEMATEL (Decision making trial and evaluation laboratory) and Information Theory were applied to deconstruct supply chain system complexity. A quantitative model was later proposed to investigate core issues of supply chain system complexity and help decision makers improve critical connections between upstream and downstream members of supply chain in a more efficient manner and reduce inefficiency and unnecessary waste of cost. The proposed model could provide an alternative way of thinking for improvement of supply chain management performance.


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