  • 學位論文

以平衡計分卡推動產品多角化策略之實務探討: 以一台灣中小企業工業冷卻設備產品為例

Exploring the Utilization of Balanced Scorecard in the Product Diversification Promotion Strategy in Taiwanese SMEs: an Example in a Industrial Cooling Equipment Manufacture

指導教授 : 吳俊儀




SMEs in the process of Taiwan's economic development plays a pivotal role in the recent face of competition from low labor costs in China and Southeast Asia countries, Taiwan's SMEs in addition to strengthening the competitiveness of the products of this industry should also actively explore new product markets, in order to sustain the enterprise of vitality. This study investigates the Taiwan SMEs in developing markets for new products, the critical success factors and key performance indicators required by the Balanced Scorecard to implement its strategy types. In the present study, case study of example with the product diversification promotion strategy in a professional air conditioning equipment factory that developing new product of industrial cooling equipment manufacture. Through the literature and its executives-depth interviews proposed for its new product market strategy types. As well as be able to implement its strategy types Balanced Scorecard five critical success factors proposition and in-depth interviews with the relevant departments of the case study company and collect relevant documents records. Use the pattern matching to help the company to explore conditions and critical success factors fit the situation. According to Pattern-matching results show case study company more suited to take the "shaping strategy types", and then Pattern-matching the present study sort out the different strategic types of key success factors proposition of implementing Balanced Scorecard, in addition to the "internal consensus strategy vision and targeted" a critical success factor in the proposition to be strengthened, while the other four factors proposition with the status of case study company can comply with the propositions requirements. Finally, this study based on the status of the case company, the adjustment of product marketing strategy to assist its implementing Balanced Scorecard and with construct in key performance indicators. The study also raised the case study company viable recommendations to assist the Balanced Scorecard, reached to implement the type of its strategy of developing new products and markets.


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﹝3﹞ Kaplan, R.S., & Norton, D. P. , 1996, Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action, 1sted, Harvard Business School Press.
﹝6﹞ 王忠慶,2013,“其他通用機械設備製造業之現況與展望”,台灣經濟產經研究院。
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