  • 學位論文


Emotion's influence on memory storage for resource allocation and false memory.

指導教授 : 陶振超


情緒性內容往往會令人印象深刻。但是諸多心理學研究發現,人們在記憶情緒性內容時,經常出現錯誤記憶的現象。人們如何記憶情緒,在不同資訊類型以及情緒構面,又會出現何種效果,皆是本研究所欲探討的問題。 本研究歸納以往認知心理學界對於情緒和記憶之間的關係,企圖從情緒激越與正負價性的構面、記憶的階段、記憶的資訊類型,以及情緒如何影響認知資源的配置探討情緒在記憶儲存的作用。最後,本研究亦利用生理訊號儀器,測試情緒生理反應對於情緒性內容和情緒感受之間的中介效果。 研究結果發現,首先,當情緒的激越程度越高,越會引發人們在記憶的儲存階段有更多推敲的作用,亦即人們會增加許多和舊有記憶有關的記憶連結,產生錯誤的記憶效果。其中,我們將情緒性內容分為情節有無關聯、以及畫面的中央和周邊的資訊類型,實驗證實,越是負面的情緒,人們越會推敲情節相關的資訊類型的記憶,畫面位置則沒有影響。此外,利用人們在接受訊息時,對第二任務的反應時間,我們亦發現負面、高激越的情緒會強制人們在記憶時使用較多的認知資源,引發資訊處理的自動處理機制。 以往我們在設計傳播訊息時,未曾考慮情緒構面、記憶階段和錯誤記憶之間的關係。希望透過本研究能夠對於情緒性內容中情緒構面以及資訊類型的差異,讓人們更了解情緒對傳播效果的影響。


情緒 記憶 生理訊號 訊息設計


People report remembering emotional events vividly. It is debated whether this report reflects enhanced memory accuracy or a bias to believe emotional memories are vivid. We hypothesized emotion would enhance memory elaboration, improving false memory for episodic details. The hallmark of emotional memory is that information are remembered in different resource allocation (control or automatic processing) and types of information detail, so we examined whether an information’s valence(positive, negative) or arousal (high, low) would influence its ability to be remembered with those details. Across two experiments, high-arousal information were remembered with false memories more often than low-arousal information. High-arousal negative information were allocated more resource than low-arousal or positive information. Information valence influences memory for episodic details, although negative information were false recalled more often than positive information. These results suggest that emotion does not just bias participants to believe they have a vivid memory; rather, the negative elicited by an event can benefit memory elaboration for some types of information details.


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