  • 學位論文


Sport Events Effect on the Design of Social Television System

指導教授 : 鄧怡莘 莊明振


長久以來,運動賽事的社交特質早已被人們所認定。如同我們所見,運動賽事透過本身善於引發人們慶祝活動的天性,不斷刺激人們的生活並產生豐富圍繞著運動賽事的社交活動,其本身的所蘊含的巨大的社交需求及價值早已不言而喻。近來,隨著社交科技的創新及發展,一種支持人們圍繞著電視內容進行社交互動,被稱作”社交電視”的新興概念正在逐漸形成,將人們對於觀看電視的體驗帶入另一個新的境界。 雖然,這樣令人興奮的概念似乎正為滿足人們對於運動賽事的社交互動的渴求提供了一個良好的機會,不少實證研究仍指出不同的電視節目類型會為人們帶來不同的社交體驗,而針對於節目類型對於人們社交互動的影響的研究也十分罕見。因此,本研究的目的旨在探索運動賽事節目如何在人們對於電視內容的相關互動行為中扮演關鍵的腳色,並嘗試進一步將賽事的特質融入新生的社交電視系統中。 透過深度訪談(In-depth interview),探針日誌(Probe diaries),以及配對訪談(Pair interview)三種互補的研究方法,針對運動迷圍繞在賽事中的各式的生活面向進行深入調查,並利用親和圖(Affinity diagram)來分析整理三個階段訪談所收集到的所有資料。根據研究結果,我們歸納出幾個運動賽事主要不同於其他電視節目類型的關鍵社交特質,並進一步就以下三個面向: 觀看模式、社交活動及社群建立,來探討這些特質對於人們圍繞電視內容的相關行為所造成的影響。 最後,我們也根據結果提出七項設計建議: (1)促進賽事間的同步互動。(2)以社群資訊為賽事選汰依據。(3)鼓勵分享重點賽事及重要時刻。(4)支持賽事流程中注意力的轉移。(5)強化重要時刻的慶祝活動。(6)以球隊及球員為中心建立社群。(7)顯示他人對於賽事之偏好及觀看狀態。本研究期盼其所提出之發現及建議,可以做為設計師在將新興的社交電視系統融入運動賽事節目時的基礎,並進而創造出圍繞著運動賽事內容美好的社交經驗。


The social character of sport events has long been recognized. As we could see the celebratory nature engenders massive social activities around the game, the huge social needs and value of sport events are self-evidencing. Recently, with the rapid developing of social innovation and technology, an emerging idea of “social television” which supports peoples’ social interaction around television content has been brought up, leads television viewing experience into a new field. While this exciting concept seems a great opportunity to satisfy the enormous social needs of sport fans, many researches also show that different television genres bring out different social experiences according to the corresponding contents. However, thorough research of this phenomenon is still scarce. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to explore how sport genre can play a role in the peoples’ use of television contents, and integrate the sport genre into the neonate television system. Through conducting complementary methods including the in-depth interview, group probe diaries, and pair interview, various perspectives of sport fans’ life that revolve around sport events are investigated. All data collected from the three-stage research process were analyzed and categorized into affinity diagram. According to the results, several key social characters of sport events have been identified which differentiate it from other television genres. Being discussed is how these key characters affect people’s use of television contents in following three aspects: viewing pattern, social activities and the community building around sport events. Finally, seven design suggestions were also developed based on our findings: (1) Promoting synchronize interaction during sport events. (2) Using social information as a content filter. (3) Encouraging to share important materials. (4) Supporting attention switching with game flow. (5) Maximizing the celebration on important moments. (6) Building community around players and teams. (7) Showing the preference and viewing status. We hope that our findings would provide a sturdy foundation for designers to blend the emerging social television systems into sport genre, and therefore, creating a better social experience around sport events.


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