  • 學位論文


The development of Smart Guiding System for Chemical Refilling

指導教授 : 王鵬堯


本研究利用主動式RFID技術作為人員與物料辨別之基礎,配合無線通訊定位系統,設計一套智慧充填導引系統(Smart Guiding System SGS)。本系統以智慧光學方式引導充填作業,讓充填作業員只需攜帶辨識器至物料填充槽區,即可依照正確之燈號指引進行充填作業,避免可能的充填作業錯誤。並加入進料泵浦控制的功能,強制充填作業,進一步確保充填作業的正確性。另外此系統也與CCTV監控設備整合,提供完整的影像查詢與追蹤功能。 根據本研究所設計的無線通訊協定的編碼原則,本系統可容納工廠內充填作業員與作業管線之所有可能出現的各種排列組合,且理論上在一分鐘內單一區域接收器可與250個智慧導引子系統進行至少一次的通訊。在無線通訊範圍測試中,無線封包的傳輸速度可依程式設定而改變,測試中出現的最快速率為10k bps。根據充填現場的空間尺寸特性,本系統設定的功率以在-20dB時不僅可以有效完成充填作業所需資訊通訊且可避免通訊干擾的發生。 在系統錯誤率的模擬結果中無線通訊錯誤率、人為反應錯誤率及電子訊號錯誤率等皆為0%。此結果證明當傳統充填作業加入智慧無線安全機制後,可確實有效的降低人為疏失的發生率,避免工安意外的風險,減少不必要的生產成本。


This thesis presented here was the development of a new smart guiding system (SGS) that provides virtually error-free chemical refilling operations. The SGS uses an active radio frequency identification technology to match the target chemical storage tanks and the refilling chemicals carried by the truck. Meanwhile, the system equips ultra-bright LED indicators to further assist workers to locate the pipeline and connector that is associated with the target chemical. Nevertheless, the SGS also uses relays to control the feed pumps. By doing so, the SGS can provide extra safety measures to avoid any wrong refilling. Besides these active safety mechanisms, we also designed a digital image system that converts the on-site CCTV images to digital formats and saves those images into a database. This not only creates real-time images for surveillances, but also provides opportunities to review those refilling activities when mistakes should happen. In this study, we also custom designed a wireless communication protocol for material identifications. Based on the protocol, the SGS’s wireless area coordinator can talk to 250 smart guiding units in one minute. Laboratory tests showed that the SGS achieved 10K bps in wireless communication rate. The range tests showed that, at -20dB power output, the SGS has the best communication range that provides enough coverage in the refilling area without interfere in other communication areas. Series of tests, including material identifications, human refilling activities, pump controls, were performed in the laboratory to simulate the various activities that maybe found in the real chemical refilling area in a plant. No errors were found in those tests when using the SGS. This indicated that the system is capable of providing an error-free environment for the refilling workers.


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1. 經濟部,http://www.moea.gov.tw/


温明謙(2012)。化學液槽車灌裝風險及最佳化對策研究 - 以半導體廠例〔碩士論文,國立交通大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6842/NCTU.2012.00394
