  • 學位論文


Bi-Gene Balance Business System: An Exploratory Study on the Evolutionary Business Model Structure of Google

指導教授 : 蘇雅惠




Drucker (1995) said: “Entrepreneurship does need, however, to be systematic. It needs to be managed. Above all, it needs to be based on purposeful innovation.” That is, the processes of adjacent business model innovations should be systematically managed. However, few scholars focused on. Accordingly, this study attempts to explore what the relationship between business model innovations is. Grounded theory qualitative research method, casual map, and structure characteristics were imported to collect and analyze various data for the business model structures of Google. We found that the evolution of Google''s business model can be divided into four phases which are path dependency. The business model structure in every phase includes bi-gene (exploration and exploitation) with their leverage factor.  The leverage factor of each phase gradually reinforces the core of business model: powerful computing technology, easy to use for customers, and raising the user’s ability to manipulate information.


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