

湖南客家族群主要為明清時期來自粵東、閩西經過贛南移民入境,多居住在湖南省的東邊、東南邊,長時間與原鄉阻隔,且地處湘語、贛語過渡邊界,相互接觸影響之下,逐漸形成其特有的音韻現象。本文以陳立中及戴伊伶所調查的語料為基礎,深入探究湖南客家話的音韻特色,並嘗試重建其語音演變過程。   本文分為七個章節,第一章緒論,說明本論文的研究動機與目的、研究方法與步驟、文獻回顧與探討。第二章為湖南客家概況,概述湖南的地理概況,以及客家人口的移民來源、分布地區,大致介紹湖南客家話的聲韻調系統。第三章、第四章、第五章針對湖南客家話的聲母、韻母、聲調特點分別提出討論,以中古音系為基礎,探討湖南客家話的語音演變及發展。第六章則和原鄉客家話以及周邊的湘語、贛語互相討論,試圖釐清湖南客家話有別於客家話的普遍特色,是原鄉本如此,抑或是不同方言之間的影響。第七章結論,歸結湖南客家話的語音特點,並在最後提出檢討與建議之處。


The Hakka people in Hunan were immigrants from Eastern Guangdong and Western Fujian; they moved to Hunan in the Ming and Qing Dynasty through Southern Ganzhou. Separated from their native lands, most of these people now live in Eastern and Southeastern Hunan, which is the transitional language territory between Xiang and Gan Chinese. The exposure to these languages result in the unique phonology of their language. Based on the corpus developed by Li-Zhong Chen and Yi-Lin Dai, this study conducted a thorough examination of the phonological distinctions of Hakka dialect and attempted to reconstruct of its phonological transformation process. This study was divided into 7 chapters. Chapter 1 (introduction) described the motivation, objective, methods, procedures, literature review, and discussion of this work. Chapter 2 provided an introduction to Hakka people in Hunan, the geology in Hunan, and source areas as well as distribution of Hakka people. In addition, a brief introduction to the phonology of Hakka dialect was also included in Chapter 2. Chapters 3, 4, and 5 examined the consonants, vowels, and tone of Hakka dialect by discussing the evolvement and development of Hakka dialect based on Middle Chinese. Chapter 6 compared the original Hakka Chinese with Xiang and Gan Chinese, trying to find the universal traits that distinguished Hakka dialect by differentiating the original Hakka Chinese from the influences of different dialects. Chapter 7 concluded the study with a summary of phonological characteristics before providing further reviews and suggestions.




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