  • 學位論文

學習中的父母- 收養家庭親子互動圖像

Learning Parents: Interaction Patterns in Adoptive Families

指導教授 : 王舒芸


收養是「成為父母」的方式之一,我國自2012年5月30日開始,無血緣收養一定要透過合法收出養機構媒合,以養子女最佳利益為核心,周延孩子在收出養流程的權益。本研究旨在探討曾經歷過機構收養的收養家庭,在兒童期的親子互動圖像,互動圖像包含親子教養、親子溝通及管教方式等面向。 父母收養前的經驗為從「渴望」到「制度」,持續學習成為父母帶來更多教養孩子的力量。親子互動型態以情感為互動核心,父母多採取規範與條件的互動型態,亦是因兒童期的孩子有其階段發展的特性。父母的教養方式為「嚴母慈父」、「一致型教養」、「嚴父慈母」,教養方式受到父母成長的環境、對孩子的期待及參考親友的教養方式。親子溝通多為「多元化家庭」及「協商一致性家庭」,父母尊重孩子的談話取向,不刻意要求一致性的共識,產生「多元化家庭」溝通模式;但碰到收養議題則尊重孩子的談話取向,但期待有一致性的共識,故產生「協商一致性家庭」溝通。管教方式包含限制、威嚇及處罰,但管教方式會受到孩子的年齡增加,逐漸改變管教方式。親子互動並非單一型態,兒童期的親子互動自有其特定的模式,亦展現出此階段的互動的特性。 本研究父母多在孩子二至四歲時,進行第一次身世告知,後續父母持續交互使用繪本、文件資料及對話與互動身世告知。父母身世告知後,持續與孩子討論收養相關議題,包含孩子對身世的好奇、尋親的態度及衝突時的說明,釐清衝突事件與收養議題不能混為一談,讓孩子在衝突後,重新認同自己在家中的位置及歸屬感,情感支持讓孩子在成長中更為穩定。 研究結果發現收養家庭親子互動與一般家庭有同有異,身世告知的影響亦是後續父母與孩子需要一起討論與面對的議題。收養家庭生命週期指出收養議題延伸每一個發展階段,父母與孩子都有需要面對的任務,親子情感的支持與收養議題的討論是收養家庭無法避免的。最後,政策建議包含收養程序的制度實施、收養後福利服務需求及國家政府的角色。


Adoption is one of the approaches to “become a parent.” To protect the children’s rights, the best interests of the adopted children are given top priority during the adoption. For this reason, it is legislated in Taiwan that non-biological adoption can only be mediated by legal agencies since 30th May, 2012. The aim of the present research is to examine the parent-child interaction patterns—including parenting, parent-child communication, and discipline—during the childhood of the adoptees in families with experience of institutional adoption. Further, the factors involved in these patterns are scrutinized. Before the adoption, the adopters’ experience transfer from aspiration to institutional. Constant learning of how to become a parent brings the adopters more strength to nurture the children. Considering the characteristics of children in childhood, most parents adopt rule-based and conditional interactions that are emotionally-focused. The approaches of parenting, which vary in accordance with the background of the adopters, the expectation held for the children, and the references the adopters obtain from their relatives, include “difficult mother & kind father,” “alliance between parents,” and “difficult father & kind mother.” Besides, the two preferred parent-child communication styles are “diversity” as well as “negotiated agreement.” In other words, the parents respect the topic orientation of the child, and do not attempt to reach a total consensus, which eventually forms the communication style of “diversity.” On the other hand, the “negotiated agreement” is applied when it comes to the adoption issues. While the children’s topic orientation is acknowledged, a consensus is anticipated during the communication. As for the approaches of discipline, adopters utilize restriction, warning, or punishment. However, the parents alter their disciplinary approaches as the age of the child increases. In short, there are multiple approaches in parent-child interaction in adoptive families, and particular patterns can be observed during the childhood of the adoptees. At the same time, these patterns also show the interactive characteristics of their own stages. Most adopters in the present research first disclosed the adoption to child at the age of 2 to 4. The following disclosure was conducted through picture books, documents and conversation with the child. After the disclosure, the adopters continued to discuss adoption-related issues with the child. For example, the child’s curiosity about the biological family, the child’s attitude towards searching for the bloodline, and the explanation when a conflict occurred. The clarification that the conflict had nothing to do with the adoption helped the children both recognize their position in the family and develop their sense of belonging again. Also, emotional support stabilized the child in the process of growing up. The findings show that there are both similarities and differences between adoptive and non-adoptive families. The outcomes after adoption disclosure require both the parents and the children’s discussion and cooperation. In every life cycle of the adoptive family, different issues in adoption are discovered, and not only the parents but the children have their own tasks to deal with. Further, the emotional support between parents and children as well as the discussion of adoption are inevitable. Lastly, the policy proposal includes the enforcement of regulations in the adoption process, the welfare services after the adoption and the characters the government play in adoption.


