  • 學位論文

上市公司高階經理人之星座與 投資決策的關聯性

CEO Star Sign and Firm’s Investment Decision

指導教授 : 林岳喬


由於高階經理人個人特質會影響企業之重大決策行為,進而影響企業能否長期永續經營與否,而企業的投資決策是企業所有決策中最重要、最關鍵的決策,投資決策若有重大方向的錯誤時,可能會讓企業因此而陷入困境,所以,能做出正確投資決策的高階經理人的個人人格特性至關重要。 常見的高階經理人特質的衡量方式有年齡、年資、性別、教育程度、教育專業背景、持股比例等等,但都並非能完全說明高階經理人潛在的人格特質,所以本文主要研究上市公司高階經理人的個人星座特質和企業的投資決策是否有一定的關聯性,而本文的研究對象是 2012 – 2014 年我國上市公司的高階經理人,實證結果發現,若高階經理人的星座為水瓶座的時候,其投資決策會呈現過度保守或投資不足的現象,而高階經理人的星座為巨蟹座的時候,其投資決策會呈現過度投資或過度自信的現象。


投資決策 星座 個人特質


The personality of the senior manager has a great effect on decision making of the company , Which leads to the growth of the company . Investment decisions are most crucial for a company , Wrong decisions would lead to business crisis . That’s why many recent studies tried to explore the association of CEO personality and corporate investment decision . Previous studies measure , Senior managers traits by age , annual salary , gender , educational background , and shareholding ratio. This research is based on the correlation between different Star sign among various senior managers from 2012-2014 . As is shown by our results,If the senior manager is an Aquarius , He is most likely being too conservative on investment ,And if the senior manager is a Cancer ,He probably will incur over-investment.


Investment Decisions Star Sign Personality


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