  • 學位論文


Vegetation Analysis and Mapping of the Ailiao River Basin in Southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 葉慶龍


隘寮溪流域位於台灣南部高屏溪河系,為屏東縣北境重要之河流,流域範圍包含7個鄉鎮。隘寮溪全長約90km,流域面積約340.25km2。 本研究旨在分析隘寮溪流域植群,並繪製現生植群圖,以供國家植群製圖計畫參考。在海拔969-3038 m 間設133個樣區,觀測8個環境因子及調查植物組成,應用降趨對應分析、典型對應分析及群團分析,結果發現海拔高度、坡度及含石率為影響本區植物出現之3個最重要環境因子。 本區植物資源保存完整多樣性極高計有維管束植物124科309屬620種;另經文獻比對稀有植物有16 種。植群型之分類藉由矩陣群團分析並配合降趨對應分析結果,可將本區之森林植群區分為山地針闊葉混淆林、山地常綠闊葉林以及下部山地常綠闊葉林等3個群系;台灣鐵杉群團、赤柯群團、台灣八角群團、石斑木群團、銳脈木薑子群團、屏東木薑子群團等6個群團;厚葉柃木-台灣鐵杉群叢、昆欄樹-赤柯群叢、白花八角-台灣鐵杉群叢、尾葉灰木-紅檜群叢、高氏木犀-長尾柯群叢、石班木-台灣杜鵑群叢、銳脈木薑子-長尾柯群叢、瓊楠-台灣赤楊群叢、燈稱花-墨點櫻桃群叢等9個群叢。 植群圖以群系階層為製圖單位,並利用分類結果共分出上部山地針葉林、山地針闊葉混淆林、山地常綠闊葉林、下部山地闊葉林、人工林以及其他(建地 裸露地 水域 墾地 竹林)等六項製圖單位。


Ailao Riven basin is located in the northern Pingtung County, and the total area is 340.25km2. The purpose of the study is the vegetation analysis and vegetation mapping on Ailiao River basin for the reference of national vegetation mapping program. A total of 133 plots from altitude 969 m to 3038 m were sampled and 8 environmental factors and floristic data were investigated. Both Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) and Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA), were used to explore the relationships between vegetation types and environmental factors observed. The results showed that altitude, slope, and stone were the major environmental factors affecting plants distribution and forest composition in this area. By using Matrix cluster analysis the forest vegetation could be divided into formations of montane mixed coniferous broad-leaved forest, Montane mixed coniferous broad-leaved forest, Submontane evergreen broad-leaved forest; Tsuga chinensis alliance, Illicium arborescens alliance, Rhaphiolepis indica alliance, Litsea acutivena alliance, Litsea akoensis alliance; Eurya glaberrima-Tsuga chinensis association, Trochodendron aralioides-Cyclobalanopsis morii association, Illicium anisatum-Tsuga chinensis association, Symplocos caudata-Chamaecyparis formosensis association, Osmanthus kaoi-Castanopsis cuspidata var. carlesii association, Rhaphiolepis indica-Rhododendron formosanum association, Litsea acutivena-Castanopsis cuspidata var. carlesii association, Beilschmiedia erythrophloia-Alnus formosana association, Ilex asprella-Prunus phaeosticta association. There were 620 vascular plant species recorded that contained 16 rare species. Vegetation Map is using formations as mapping units, which included Upper montane coniferous forest, montane mixed coniferous broad-leaved forest, Montane mixed coniferous broad-leaved forest, Submontane evergreen broad-leaved forest, Artifical forest, and others.


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