  • 學位論文


The Study of Change in Agriculture of the Aboriginal Tribes Along T24 Route through Satoyama Initiative

指導教授 : 陳美惠




Land use like collection, hunting and agriculture are basic industries for indigenous. These industries may transform into different types of traditional cultures and knowledge. However, due to modernization, population migration and ageing, traditional knowledge become less emphasized and even disappeared. Nowadays the raise of Satoyama Initiative concept make re-emphasize on traditional knowledge, it is hope that the combination of traditional knowledge and industry can solve the problems about human well-being, local ecosystem, environment, or so call “green economy.” This study explored traditional agricultural culture and knowledge through secondary research, interview and participant observation on indigenous tribes along Provincial Highway No. 24, Pingtung. The result showed two important parts: First, people in study area used slash and burn as the way of farming, and start an annual farming at the agriculture celebration in July to August. Second, because of the change of industrial structures and modernization after 1980s in Taiwan, traditional agriculture in study area is on the decline. The goal of farming changed from self-using to selling and the resident migrated to permanent houses caused by Typhoon Morakot, resulting in the knowledge and culture of agriculture becoming degeneration. This study suggested that, in the future, the knowledge, culture of agriculture and crop species should be recorded and conserved, in addition, the values of Satoyam landscapes should be recognized and incorporating those values in social-economic planning and decision-making.


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