  • 學位論文


Local Writing and GIS Applications in Contemporary Hakka Poems

指導教授 : 李梁淑


文學扮演了塑造景觀、想像地方的核心角色,並且主觀的表達著地方與空間的社會意義,很多時候文學不只是描述這些區域和地方,顯然也創造了地方。藉由文學地景的描繪,不單喚起人們的地方感與記憶,也看見人與地方之間的情感依附和關聯、意義和經驗的世界。 2008年文建會為透過文學作品喚起全民對家鄉的感情記憶,並瞭解台灣土地變遷的軌跡,推動「閱讀文學地景」計畫,以地景文學與旅行為題,希望借由閱讀地景來帶動文學旅遊風潮。而客家委員會也為推廣客家文化及鼓勵文學創作,自2010年起舉辦「桐花文學獎」,讓更多的民眾認識客家文學中的客庄之美。上述兩者都在積極運用文學所賦予的資源推展地方觀光。 本研究則嘗試用另一種視覺角度出發,閱讀台灣多位知名客籍作家以詩的語言來描寫的地景,如邱一帆、江昀、曾貴海、陳寧貴、葉日松、黃永達等人的創作以及相關客家文學作品集中的地誌詩篇,運用地理資訊系統技術系統(Geographic Information System,簡稱GIS)以及全球定位系統(Global Positioning System,簡稱GPS)操作,將文學地景與實景照片建置在ArcGIS雲端線上資料庫製作成故事地圖,分享在Googl Earth平台以及個人臉書中,供讀者查詢,讓文字描述不再是單調的想像,而是可利用視覺傳達、真實呈現的景象。   研究結果發現,客籍詩人以客語書寫的地景詩篇並不多見,結合客家地誌文學建置的旅遊資訊更是缺乏,藉由本研究的資料建置,讀者將可透過影像定位及現場照片了解客語詩中所描寫的客庄之美、地理環境和風情,進一步規劃成可親身體驗、有別以往的文學觀光之旅,希望藉此推展客家文學作品、在地客庄風情及屬於台灣的美麗詩篇。


Literature plays a core role in shaping the landscape and local imagination, It subjective expression the social significance between the place and space as well, Most of the time, literature not only describes the areas and places, but apparently create the place. By depicting the landscape of literature, sense of place and memories of people are evoked, We also see the associated emotional meanings and experience of the world between people and places. In 2008, in order to evoke people’s memories of their hometown and to make people understand the traces of land transforms in Taiwan through literary works, CAA promoted “Reading Literary Landscape” plan which was titled landscape and travel, hoped to boost literary travel by means of reading landscape.In addition, so as to promote Hakka culture and to encourage literary creation, the Hakka Affairs Council has been having “Blossom Literature Award” event since 2010 to make more people understand the beauty of Hakka in Hakka Literature.Both mentioned above are tourism resources to actively promote literature. This study attempts to use another visual point of view, by reading the landscape depicted in the language of poetry by well-known Taiwanese Hakka writers such as Qiu Yi-Fan, Jiang Yun, Zeng Gue-Hie, Chen Ning-Gui, Yeh Ri-Sum, Huang Yung-Da, the relevant Hakka literature works about landscape and by using GIS (Geographic Information System) and GPS (Global Positioning System), to set up the ArcGIS cloud network with literature landscape and scene photos to produce story maps and share them in Google Earth and Facebook, which allows readers to refer to. In such a way, language description is no longer monotonous imagination but the real, visual presentation of image. Due to the rare Hakka landscape poetry by Hakka poets and much more rare setup travelling information combined with Hakka landscape literature, the result of this study shows that by means of the database set in this study, readers can understand the Hakka geographic environment and beauty of Hakka through the image positioning and scene photos described in Hakka poems. Readers can furthermore project experiencable journey of literature different from the past. Hope to promote Hakka Literature, on-set beautiful Hakka-styled inns and beauty of Taiwan.


