  • 學位論文


The Effects of Consumer's Five Senses and Experiential Process on Behavioral Intentions - Using the Specialty Coffee as an Example

指導教授 : 周素娥




This study explores the relationships among consumer's feelings, experiential process and experiential value through five senses, and finally tries to find out how those dimensions affects consumers' assumption behavior. The research focused on the Specialty Coffee market in order to provide some strategic marketing references for the coffee shops and also to share the fine coffee with more consumers. A total of 288 effective questionnaires were obtained. SPSS statistical software was used to analyze the statistical data, and the results and significance were explained. The relationship between the five senses, consumer sentiment, experiential process, experiential value and behavioral intention was verified by regression analysis. The study finds that five senses affect consumers' emotions, experiential and value perception, but to influence the intentions of repurchase and recommendation, it is necessary to improve the positive value of the consumer experience and should strive to create consumer investment remuneration and interesting. So that consumers may think Specialty Coffee has higher value than commercial coffee. The result after shows that taste is the most important among those five senses.


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