  • 學位論文


T-shirt Design of Global Warming Issue in Minimalist Style

指導教授 : 蔡綺


全球暖化在新聞媒體的傳播之下,早已是個耳熟能詳的話題,因其引發的生態劇變、環境威脅和傷亡事件,更是日復一日的不斷在你我眼前上演,對已習慣既有生活方式卻又害怕環境惡化的你我,不免為此備感矛盾備與壓力,甚至出現掩耳盜鈴的鴕鳥心態。故筆者企圖藉由極簡風格圖像設計的清新感,消瀰暖化議題予人的煎熬,並透過T 恤的跨越性別、年齡界線的通俗性,將暖化由全球的高度拉近至與你我的身邊,設計一種沒有尖銳環保立場,只有內斂綠色姿態的T 恤,給還沒做好準備完全改變原有生活習慣,卻仍想支持環境保育的人們一件衣服的保護色,自在地穿流彼此的綠色意識,讓支持環保少一點嚴肅,多一點「進步」。


Because of the extensive report from the mass media, the issue of global warming has become a familiar topic to us. It has not only brought out great damage in environment but also made people feel pressure in taking the responsibility to environmental problems. According to above, the study attempts to combine minimalist style and the issue of global warming in t-shirt design. The fresh elements of minimalist style can relieve the severe feeling from the crisis of global warming; furthermore, the characteristic without gender and age limit in t-shirt design can make the issue of global warming closed to our life. Take above-mentioned views, to design environmental t-shirts which can let us wear everywhere with a comfortable feeling is the major purpose of the study.


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