  • 學位論文


Application of Traditional Celebration Totems and Vocabularies on the Experimental Creation of Wedding Invitation Cards

指導教授 : 黃鐉津




Traditional wedding invitation cards are designed with convenience of delivery in mind; hence, most cards are flat and simple. The main styles are either Chinese or Western. In terms of color, Chinese wedding invitation cards are usually bright red. Besides congratulatory words, the cards have a few signature designs. Designs consist of the Chinese character for joy, pictures of a dragon and phoenix, flowers and plants, as well as floral and cloud-like patterns. Western style cards employ lighter and plainer colors. Classical designs of this style include the bow ribbon, lace and other elegant patterns. This research compiled elements of existing styles, and further improved the designs by stressing their sensibility. The researchers considered how the cards can be integrated with contemporary trends when customizing them. The primary focus of the research and analysis is to develop wedding invitation cards through numerous design possibilities. The goal is to enhance the feelings conveyed by the cards through the sensation of handwork. Whereas machines cannot detect feeling, human hands can touch and appreciate the complexity, quality, elegance, and emotions imbued from these creations. Unlike traditional wedding invitation cards, the cards are incorporated with different materials and designs to enrich the visual experience. Although the designs are still in development, it is hoped that this research could create a new trend in wedding invitation card designs, contribute to inspire the creations in related industries.


‧Chip Heath & Dan Heath/著,姚大鈞/譯,《創意黏力學》,台北市,大塊文化。


