  • 學位論文


A Study of the Association among Hospital Website Quality, Perceived Hospital Reputation and Perceived Healthcare Quality: The Signaling Theory Perspective

指導教授 : 郭光明


背景與目的:隨著網際網路越來越便利,正逐步改變民眾的生活型態,民眾逐漸重視網際網路。對醫院而言也必須意識到此種情況,並妥善運用醫院網站,亦須著重醫院網站品質,期望能滿足民眾就醫需求。 材料與方法:本研究依據Connelly等人所提出之信號理論為基礎,提出包括:網站可用性、網站設計品質、網站資訊品質、網站品質、認知醫院聲譽以及認知醫療服務品質等六個構面,以問卷調查法,採用問卷調查方式蒐集問卷,蒐集對象為曾經使用南部某區域醫院網站經驗之院內民眾。 結果與結論:本研究共發放222份問卷,有效問卷為172份,回收率77%。資料分析結果顯示醫院網站可用性對醫院網站品質呈現不顯著關係,醫院網站設計品質、醫院網站資訊品質與醫院網站品質呈現正相關,醫院網站品質對於認知醫院聲譽以及認知醫療服務品質呈現正相關。接著利用重要表現程度法分析醫院網站之可用性、設計品質以及資訊品質的重要表現程度,最後研究結果得知,醫院網站之設計品質落在加強改善區,是醫院網站必須首先要改善的項目。


Background and Goals: With the Internet broadly applied, it has greatly affected the people's life style. Since people gradually know the importance of the Internet, the hospital must also be aware of this situation, and the mahe prope use of hospital websites.The hospital should also focus on the quality of hospital websites, hoping to meet the needs of the public’s medical treatment. Materials and Methods: Based on the Signaling Theory by Connelly and his colleagues,they proposed a research model comprising of six dimensions: usability, design quality, information quality, quality of hospital website, hospital reputation, and perceived health service quality. Using the survey methodology for this research, surveys are targeted towards the people who have visited the hospital website from a regional hospital in southern Taiwan. Results and Conclusions: In this study, 222 questionnaires were distributed, 172 valid questionnaires were collected, with a response rate of 77%. Data analysis showed that usability did not significantly affect the quality of hospital website. Design quality and information quality positively affected the quality of hospital website and quality of hosptail website also positively impacted hospital reputation and perceived health service quality. Finally, using the Importance performance analysis to discover the importance of each aspect, being usability, design quality and information quality of the hospital, data analysis showed that the design quality of the hospital website fell on the ‘concentrate here’ quadrant that must be improved first.


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