  • 學位論文


The Development of Cloud-Based Computer Classroom with OpenStack

指導教授 : 廖冠雄


在現今資訊爆炸的時代中,隨著網際網路頻寬的不斷升級,雲端運算(Cloud Computing)在日常生活中的應用也漸漸普及,且雲端運算已成為目前最熱門的話題之一。在短短幾年之間,雲端運算已經從一個概念逐漸形成產品融入到我們的日常生活中,讓人不得不佩服資訊科技的進步,讓我們的生活更加便利。 OpenStack所提供的雲端運算服務是屬於「基礎設施即服務」(Infrastructure as a Service,IaaS)的這一類,它提供了私有雲或公有雲的部署與管理,以非常具有彈性的方式來部署虛擬化的運算資源、儲存空間、以及網路系統。另一方面,OpenStack亦為開放原始碼的專案,因此也引起全球資訊業的廣泛關注及競相投入相關產品的研發。 本論文的主要目標是應用OpenStack來建構一套雲端電腦教室管理系統,並進行內含五部伺服器之系統雛型的設計與實作。所提出的系統除了提供群組化虛擬機器的雲端電腦教室之外,也運用了OpenStack中的虛擬網路建置元件—Neutron提供彈性建構雲端教室的虛擬網路結構的服務,使得本論文所提出的雲端電腦教室系統有更大且更有彈性的應用範圍。


In the age of information explosion, with the continuous escalation of Internet bandwidth, cloud-computing applications are also gradually spread in daily life, and the related technologies have become the hottest research topics at present. In recent few years, cloud computing has gradually come into products from just a concept. It not only makes people have to admire the progress of information technology, but also lets our life more convenient. Cloud computing services provided by OpenStack belongs to Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), which provides deployment and management of private clouds or public clouds. Such IaaS systems usually provides a very flexible way to manage virtualized computing resources, storages, and network systems. Since OpenStack is a famous and stable open source project, it has attracted much attention of global information industry and many related products have been developed currently. The main objective of this thesis is to exploit OpenStack to construct a cloud-based computer classroom management system. A prototype system with five servers is designed and implemented. The proposed system not only provides grouping of virtual machines in the cloud computer classroom, but also provides services of flexibly constructing virtual network of the classroom with the network management unit in OpenStack—Neutron. The major goal of this thesis is to build a more flexible and widely used cloud-based computer classroom system.


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