  • 學位論文

The Impact of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty - The Case of Eximbank

The Impact of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty - The Case of Eximbank

指導教授 : 張琬菁
共同指導教授 : Nguyen Dang Huy(Nguyen Dang Huy)






In Vietnam, the financial section plays an important role in economy. The large amount of money invests in and a large profit the customers and the banks receive makes this industry more and more developed. There are many banks in Vietnam, the Vietnamese have had many opportunities for choosing the best bank to invest. The objectives of this study are to investigate the impact of service quality and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty, using the case of Eximbank. 220 questionnaires have been collected and analysis. The results show that customer satisfaction and customer loyalty were affected by service quality. The result also found that the customer satisfaction has a strong positive impact on customer loyalty, meaning H1, H2, H3 of this study was accepted. Regarding to the result of multiple regression, two variablesare not the predict factorsof customer satisfaction including H1a and H1b statementsof “Reliability factor has a significant impact on customer satisfaction” and “Responsiveness factor has a significant impact on customer satisfaction”. The hypothesis H4 was tested for the differences between demographic variable of customer oncustomer loyalty for banking service of Eximbank. The result shows that there are no differences between demographic (gender, age, education and incomes) variable of customer on customer loyalty for banking service of Eximbank.


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