  • 學位論文

Film Tourism: Award versus Box Office Records

Film Tourism: Award versus Box Office Records

指導教授 : 葉上葆
共同指導教授 : 傅信維(Hsin-Wei Fu)






This research aims to study the film tourism to affect the people willing to have the trip. Film tourism is a growing industry in the world, but many tourism organizations have been slow to tap the potential benefits of film tourism. Today, this research present a relationship with some key factors, including cinematographic tourist, destination attraction, destination image, box office, place attachment, destination marketing, and academy awards. This research cans supports that film can have a strong power to influence in film tourism. Also, show that film tourism success is not always directly affected related to the top sales record movie. In this research it explore some problems we found in the previous research, first question is that does film roles affect the tourists to visit the movie shooting place. Second is that does movie lengths affect the box office records. Final is that does movie’s length will affect box office or not. After answer those questions, we can do support for previous or argue with previous study. However, someone who want to do the deeper research, or want to analyze more detail, or want to increase their tourism industry to get more income are able to use or reference this research finding.


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