  • 學位論文


Factor of Falls among Elderly Community Dwellers:A Cohort Study

指導教授 : 顏永杰
共同指導教授 : 高家常(Chia-Chan Kao)


背景:跌倒在台灣社區老年人中已是不容忽視的老年健康議題,跌倒傷害對老年人的身心健康有重大影響。找出社區老年人跌倒的相關因素,及早發現跌倒高風險之社區老年人,給予預防跌倒措施及照護,減少及降低跌倒事件的發生及傷害,提升社區老年人的身心健康與生活品質,並降低對醫療與社會資源的衝擊與負擔。 目的:探討人口學特性、憂鬱症狀、慢性疾病、認知功能、鄰里生活品質與台灣社區老年人之跌倒的關係。 方法:以多階段分層抽樣系統抽樣設計,主要資料來源為嘉義縣布袋鎮、竹崎鄉、六腳鄉、民雄鄉四個鄉鎮的社區老年人,第一階段抽樣調查為1999年至2001年,第二階段為 2008 年至2011年。研究對象計有376位,男女性比例為52:48。使用迴歸分析了解老年人跌倒與人口學特性、憂鬱症狀(TDQ)、慢性疾病、認知功能障礙(SPMSQ)、鄰里生活品質(NQI)之間是否有相關性影響。 結果:依據迴歸分析之MODEL7可得知,性別、憂鬱症狀(TDQ)、慢性疾病(肝膽疾病、脊椎骨骨刺)、鄰里生活品質(NQI)中的鄰里安全感與過去一年跌倒次數有顯著相關(p<0.05),其餘變項則與過去一年跌倒次數無統計上的顯著性相關(p>0.05)。 結論:老年人跌倒並非是老化的自然現象,而是身體健康狀況及疾病、心理以及生活環境交互作用的影響。社區老年人跌倒之相關因素相當複雜且互相彼此影響,因此可以藉由指導老年人疾病控制、鼓勵參與社區活動、居家環境的改善、進行預防介入性計畫,來減少跌倒事件的發生及所造成的傷害,研究結果將可提供作為未來發展預防老年人跌倒方案之參考標準。


Background: Falls cause physical and psychological damages, threats quality of life, and negatively impacts on medical and social resources; therefore indicate a critical health issue among elderly community dwellers in Taiwan. An effective strategy to preventing falling among elderly community dwellers includes: reducing the incidence of falling, identifying high risk population, and risk factors relating to falling. Objective:The objectives of the study were to explore the relationships among demographics, depression, chronic diseases, cognitive function, and neighborhood quality, along with falls among community-dwelling older adults of Taiwan. Methods:Based on a multi-stage stratified systematic sampling design, the data were collected from the elderly in Budai, Zhuchi, Luijiao and Minshiung Townships of Chiayi County. The first-wave survey was conducted from 1999 to 2001, and the second-wave survey from 2008 to 2011. A total of 376 subjects were recruited. Their ages ranged from 65 to 74 years old in 1999, with a male to female ratio of 52 to 48. Instruments used for the study included demographics, the Taiwanese Depression Questionnaire (TDQ), chronic diseases, Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire (SPMSQ), and the Neighborhood Quality Index (NQI). Results:Based upon the model 7, gender (female), depression, chronic diseases (liver and gall diseases and spine bone spurs), and the safety subscale of neighborhood quality in index were related to falls within the past one year (p<0.05). Conclusion:Falls results from physical, psychosocial, social, and those interrelated. Prevention elderly community dwellers program included controlling for chronic disease, encouraging social participation, and safer home environment.


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