  • 學位論文


Detect Network Intrusions Based on Local Kernel-Principal Component Analysis Method

指導教授 : 陳隆昇


隨著資訊與通訊技術(Information and Communication Technology, ICT)的快速發展,在各個領域都帶來了相對的優勢,但也由於發展太過快速造成了許多網路的漏洞,除了有心人士利用這些漏洞進行網路攻擊外,各式危害網路安全的工具也可以輕易的在網路上被找到並下載。於是,入侵偵測系統(IDS)被發展出來試圖解決這一問題,其系統依據資料與分析方法的不同可再區分為數種檢測方法。但是,沒有任何一種檢測方法在各種環境下是絕對有效的。因此,本研究的目標是針對異常偵測,提出區域核主成分分析(Local Kernel-Principal Component Analysis, LKPCA)方法來提升分類績效。本研究可分為兩個階段,第一階段我們使用特徵提取方法來將資料做不同維度的縮減,並透過支持向量機(Support Vectors Machines, SVM)和決策樹(Decision Tree, DT)建構兩類別的二元分類器,在評估分類績效後試圖證實LKPCA是最好的方法。而本研究所使用的特徵提取方法除了LKPCA之外,還有原始的核主成分分析(Kernel-Principal Component Analysis, KPCA),為了更進一步證實該方法的有效性,我們使用導入了類別資訊的區域主成分分析(Local Principal Component Analysis, LPCA)、區域潛在語意索引(Local Latent Semantic Indexing, LLSI)和原始未導入類別資訊的主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis, PCA)和潛在語意索引(Latent Semantic Indexing, LSI)來進行比較。在第二階段,我們透過第一階段證實的LKPCA方法來建構SVM和DT的多類別策略二元分類器並評估分類績效。最後,本研究使用NSL-KDD資料集和KDD資料集來驗證所提出方法的有效性。


In recent years, the rapid development of information and communication technology results in too many loopholes in the network, and thus attracts lots of hackers’ attacks. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) has been developed to detect these attacks. Depending on different data and analysis methods, this system will have different detection methods. But, there is no one model is absolutely effective. Therefore, this study will focus on the anomaly detection. We propose a LKPCA (Local Kernel-Principal Component Analysis) method to increase the performance of classification. This study is divided into two stages. In the first stage, we use feature extraction methods to reduce dimensionality. And we build binary classifier by support vector machine (SVM) and Decision Tree (DT). We attempt to confirm the LKPCA is the best feature extraction method after evaluated the performance of the classification. In our study, we use LKPCA, Local Latent Semantic Indexing (LLSI) and Local Principal Component Analysis (LPCA), which introduce class information to feature extraction techniques, and compare to Kernel-Principal Component Analysis (KPCA), Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), Principal Component Analysis (PCA).In the second stage, we use the LKPCA method to build multiple classifier by SVM and DT. We also evaluated the performance of classification. Finally, NSL-KDD data set and KDD data set will be employed to testify the effectiveness of the proposed methods.


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