  • 學位論文


The Relationships Among the Leisure Participation, Health and Job Performance of Property Management Staff-A Case Study of Property Management Companies in Taichung City

指導教授 : 黃有傑


本研究旨在瞭解物業管理公司員工之休閒參與、工作績效與身心健康的現況,並分析不同背景變項的物業管理公司員工在三個變項的差異情形,及三個變項之間的相互影響,研究以台中市已立案物業管理公司為研究對象,以便利抽樣方式進行,於 2012年4月9日至5月12日,共發放500份問卷,總共有效回收426份問卷,有效回收率達85.2%。 研究以描述性統計、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、雪費法事後比較、皮爾森積差相關等統計方法進行資料處理,研究結果發現:建物管理人員的不同背景變項在「休閒參與」、「工作績效」及「身心健康」皆有顯著差異。 建物管理人員在休閒活動參與頻率以「大眾媒體類」之參與最高;在工作績效方面呈現高程度感受,其中以「專業技能進修」之感受程度最高;在身心健康感受呈現中等程度,其中以「無助感」之感受程度最高。在工作績效和身心健康之彼此關係呈現正相關。 最後建議方面,對建物管理同仁以建立正確休閒態度,培養自我休閒嗜好;初任主管力求表現,更需休閒參與調適;物業管理公司則是舉辦情緒管理課程,了解工作壓力來源,適度工作調配,保持工作績效,提供上課機會,增進專業技能,與休閒產業合作,鼓勵休閒參與等。


The main purpose of this research aims at understanding present situation on leisure participation, job performance and health for the staffs of property management companies, and analyzing the differences and interaction between those three variables in different background’s staffs of property management companies. This research focuses on the registered property management companies in Taichung city and gives out 500 questionnaires altogether on April 19 to May 12,2012, recalling 426 effective questionnaires, and valid response rates getting up to 85.2%. This research’s data analysis adopts descriptive statistics, t-test, One-way ANOVA, posteriori comparisons in Scheffe’s method and Pearson product-moment correlation etc. The result of this study is that the variable of the different background of the staffs of property management companies shows the differences of leisure participation, job performance and health, Feeling on job performance is above the average. Extension of professional technique is the highest. Feeling on health is average. Helpless sense is the highest. Job performance and health have positive and significant relationship. For them, among the participating frequency of the leisure activities, the mass media is the highest. For the staff of property management company, my suggestion is to set up correct leisure attitude and develop personal leisure hobbies. For property management companies, my suggestion is to hold mood management courses to understand the resources of job stress. In addition, they should adjust work adequately, improve the work burden, provide chances to take courses, and improve professional techniques. Also, cooperating with leisure industry, they encourage the leisure participation.


health job performance leisure participation


王梅香 (2003)。臺北市青少年休閒參與型態與偏差行為之研究。未出版碩
