  • 學位論文


Determining Production Cycle and (n+1)Delivery Policy For a Multi-item System with Failure in Rework, and Production Run Time for Single-vendor-single-buyer Integrated System with Machine Breakdowns, Imperfect Rework, and Multi-delivery Policy.

指導教授 : 邱元錫


本研究探討不完美重工之多樣產品生產系統並(n+1)次配送策略之最佳生產-配送策略與含機器當機不完美重工並多次配送策略之整合買賣方供應鏈系統之最佳生產時間。為更符合實際情況,本研究將傳統EPQ模型假設進行延伸,在不完美的生產過程中,將不良品當中無法進行重工修復的進行報廢,之後將可重工的不良品進行修復,修復過程中假設仍會有不良品產生,此重工失敗品將列為報廢品。假設生產中機器具隨機性當機的機會,以AR(abort/resume)作為機器維修後的處理方式,即當機器維修完成後繼續先前未完成之生產批量。配送策略假設為多次配送,並整合買方持有成本於整合供應鏈系統中。針對此問題建立兩個不同數學模式:(1)延伸陳信維 [60]第一個研究模式,本研究將採用多樣產品(n+1)次配送策略並包含顧客端持有成本以求解最佳生產週期與配送次數策略;(2)延伸陳信維 [60]第二個研究模式整合顧客端存貨持有成本於供應鏈系統中以求解最佳生產時間。最後針對此兩種數學模式提出數值實例來加以驗證,針對參數值做敏感度分析,並且進行比較分析,期望本研究的數學模式能夠符合實際情況,以提供業界作為決策之參考。


This study determines the common cycle run time and (n+1) delivery policy for a multi-item manufacturing system with failure in rework, and production run time for single-vendor-single-buyer integrated system with machine breakdowns, imperfect rework, and multi-delivery policy. Accordingly, this research has established the follow on two mathematical models: (1) for a multi-item manufacturing system with failure in rework and (n+1) deliveries under rotation cycle policy; (2) for a single-vendor-single-buyer integrated system with stochastic machine breakdown which follows the Poisson probability distribution. Mathematical modeling and analyses are used for solving both models. As the results, the optimal production cycle time and number of deliveries are obtained for model 1, and the optimal production time is derived. Numerical example with sensitivity analyses are given to demonstrate practical usages of our obtained results.


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