  • 學位論文


A Study on Travel Vistor Serivce Innovation, Tourism Preference, Flow Experience , and Brand Loyalty for Travel Agent

指導教授 : 楊文廣 柳立偉


隨著全球經濟投資環境的改變,服務業皆已成為先進國家的經濟體,然而在台灣社會中,也因經濟環境改變以及旅遊資訊透明化,使得從事觀光活動的消費者越趨明顯,因而促使旅行業蓬勃發展,而服務創新則是服務業提升競爭力以達永續經營之一的關鍵要素,因此本研究主要目的為瞭解旅行業者提供的服務創新能否獲得消費者之認同,進而得知不同人口統計變項的旅客對服務創新、觀光偏好、心流體驗與品牌忠誠度之差異,以利提供旅遊產品開發者在設計新的旅遊產品或是調整產品內容時的根本;再者進一步探討旅行業的服務創新對觀光偏好、團客心流體驗與品牌忠誠度的影響。 為達上述研究之目的,本研究主要研究之對象:曾參與雄獅旅遊集團的團體套裝行程且經由新的銷售通路購買旅遊產品的消費者為主,採用問卷調查法,共計發出450份,回收問卷412份,扣除個人資料遺漏或問卷回答不全者,其有效問卷為401份,有效問卷回收率97 %。隨後依研究目的需求,以描述性統計分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、驗證性因素分析,最後透過線性結構方程式等統計方法進行資料處理。 透過LISREL模式分析,其研究結果顯示: (一) 團客的人口統計變項對服務創新、心流體驗、觀光偏好與品牌忠誠度部分顯著。 (二) 旅行業者之服務創新對團客的心流體驗具有顯著影響。 (三) 旅行業者之服務創新對團客的觀光偏好具有顯著影響。 (四) 團客的心流體驗對其觀光偏好具有顯著影響。 (五) 團客的觀光偏好對其品牌忠誠度具有顯著影響。 (六) 團客的心流體驗對其品牌忠誠度具有顯著影響。 (七) 旅行業者之服務創新對其品牌忠誠度具有顯著影響。


Along with the changes of the investment environment, service industry now has become the main economic of the developed country in the global economic. However, due to the changes of the economic environment and the transparent on tourist information, consumers participate in traveling activities has increased in Taiwan society. In order to reach sustainable management, service innovation is one of the key elements to increase the competitiveness. Therefore, this study is focus on reaching “Can consumers’ identification the service innovation which provides by travel agents?” In this study, we can get to know the differences between Service Innovation, Tourism Preference, Flow Experience and Brand Loyalty which effects on tourists of different demographic variables. And this study could be travel service developer’s reference when they are planning a brand new travel service or to adjust the content of the service. Furthermore, the study is to discuss tourism preference, travel visitors’ flow experience and brand loyalty effects on tourist industry. For the purpose of the above study, the main object of this study includes the consumers who was made up Lion Travel packages and was placed the order from the newly sales channel. This study surveyed people by using questionnaires, issued a total of 450 copies, 412 questionnaires were recovered. To deduct from those questionnaires with missing personal information or incomplete questionnaires, 401were effective questionnaires, and the effective recovery questionnaires rate were 97%. Then according to the needs of research purposes, this study were analyzed to process the data by Descriptive Statistics, Independent-Samples t Test, One-way ANOVA, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) . To analyze through LISREL model, the result of the study were shown as below: 1) Part of service innovation, flow experience, tourism preference and brand loyalty were notable by using the model of different demographic on travel visitors. 2) Travel agents’ service Innovation were a notable for flow experience. 3) Travel agents’ service Innovation were a notable for tourism preference. 4) Travel visitors’ flow experience were a notable for tourism preference. 5) Travel visitors’ tourism preference were a notable for its brand loyalty. 6) Travel visitors’ flow experience were a notable for its brand loyalty. 7) Travel agents’ service innovation were a notable for its brand loyalty.


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