  • 學位論文


Fermentation of soybean milk by Bifidobacteria

指導教授 : 許垤棊


豆漿的內容物中含有大量的蛋白質及多醣類,以及其他的醣包括:水蘇糖、棉籽糖、果糖、葡萄糖及蔗糖。本研究於豆漿醱酵過程中,觀察比菲德氏菌的生長及各種醣類的消耗,以及醋酸與乳酸產量的變化。利用下列四株比菲德氏菌:B.bifidum BCRC 11844 and 14615, B. adolescentis BCRC 14607 and 14609 對豆漿與牛奶於醱酵槽中進行72小時厭氧醱酵。醱酵過程中,監測豆漿的寡糖成分的變化、觀察比菲德氏菌的生長以及pH值。此外在牛奶與豆漿的72小時厭氧醱酵後,置於4℃、14天,監測生菌數以及pH值的變化。


豆漿 比菲德氏菌 大豆寡糖


Soybean milk contains large amounts of proteins and polysaccharides, and other sugar components, including stachyose, raffinose, sucrose, glucose and fructose. When Soybean milk was fermented by bifidobacteria, these sugar components were consumed, accompanying with the production of acetic acid and lactic acid. In this study, four bifidobacteria including: bifidobacterium bifidum BCRC 11844 and 14615, B. adolescentis BCRC 14607 and 14609 were inoculated in soybean milk and milk and the 72-h anaerobic fermentations were carried out in jar fermenters. During fermentation the consumption of sugar component, the growth of Bifidobacteria, the decrease of pH were monitored. Furthermore, the fermented milks were stored at chilling temperature for 14 days and the qualities were evaluated by monitoring the viability and the pH of the fermented milks


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