  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationship between Social Economic Status, Well-being and Health-Related Quality on Full-Time Workers–Assessing Mediation Effect of LOHAS Lifestyle

指導教授 : 鄭健雄


LOHAS 乃21 世紀新興的一流行生活趨勢,是一種生活態度、行為活動以及價值觀的實踐,並且是一種文化創新的思想與生活方式。在市面上可看見許多流行商品皆標榜代表著LOHAS 的生活風格主張。乃因LOHAS 蘊藏龐大的商機。而在國內目前研究中仍未發現以LOHAS 為主題探討之相關研究。因此本研究擬定以此理念為研究重點,欲探討LOHAS 生活型態與幸福感與健康相關生活品質之關係。並加入社經地位為潛在變項,探討LOHAS 生活型態是否為社經地位及幸福感、健康相關生活品質間的中介因素。 研究實行首方法先邀請LOHAS 相關學者、專家以論壇方式探討其構念及實踐方式,爾後配合相關理論、文獻蒐集,擬定LOHAS 生活型態部分之問項,並加入健康相關生活品質問項(台灣版SF-36 量表)及彙整幸福感之問項,並以社經地位等控制變項作為研究調查工具。於96 年5 月間分別針對公私部門之上班族進行非隨機便利抽樣,正式問卷共發放550 份,回收有效樣本為480 份,有效回收率達88.89%。 經研究分析結果發現上班族之LOHAS 生活型態與幸福感之間有高度之正向相關;LOHAS 生活型態與健康相關生活品質之間及幸福感與健康相關生活品質間亦都有存在正相關。另外以AMOS 結構方程模式驗證社經地位、LOHAS 生活型態以及幸福感、健康相關生活品質間之關係,獲得良好的模型配適度,且研究結果發現:上班族之LOHAS生活型態對幸福感及健康相關生活品質有顯著之正向影響;社經地位對上班族之LOHAS 生活型態亦有顯著之正向影響,而社經地位會透過LOHAS 生活型態的中介作用對對幸福感及健康相關生活品質有顯著之正向影響。


LOHAS, is the most popular Lifestyle for 21 centuries. This concept appeared in a book-The Cultural Creatives:How 50Million People Are Changing the World in the United States. (Ray and Anderson, 1998) The definiens of LOHAS is: “A group of persons will consider the health and the environment responsibility of oneself and the family while doing consume to make policy.” That is a Lifestyle of health and environment Sustainable. We can see many popular types of merchandise on the market. Regardless of which realm in our life, all glorified oneself to represent the LOHAS lifestyle assertion. By all accounts, the LOHAS is a kind of living manner, behavior activity and value practice. In order to understand and get more information about LOHAS, we discuss Full-Time Workers from different impact factors. The study purpose understands the relationships between LOHAS Lifestyle, Social Economic Status, Well-being, and Health related Quality of Life on Full-Time Workers. The Research Object is Full-Time Workers. Research methods: Match with related theories and references collects to draft the LOHAS lifestyle and Well-being questions. And accede to the questions of Health related Quality of Life. (SF-36, TAIWAN) The study will carry on 550 questionnaires in May and June, 2007. There accord to 480 useful questionnaires. The research results are following: 1. The LOHAS Lifestyle, social economic status, Well-being, and Health related Qualities of Life are related. 2. Full-Time Workers’ LOHAS lifestyle would affect their Well-being and Health related Qualities of life.Finally. 3. Full-Time Workers’ socioeconomic status would affect their LOHAS lifestyle. 4. Full-Time Workers’ socioeconomic status will through mediator LOHAS lifestyle, and then affects their Well-being and Health related Qualities of life.Finally.




