  • 學位論文


An Impact Study of Inducing Knowledge Management Project on Operational Efficiency of Taiwan Motor Industry

指導教授 : 彭作奎


在全球化的競爭中,企業將面臨許多的威脅,若同時利用創新科技與知識管理為導向,將可創造出更多的機會。今日處於變化迅速的知識經濟時代,一門包含管理學、科技創新、經濟學…等的知識管理(Knowledge Management, KM),可協助企業更明確的判斷未來趨勢,並提升競爭優勢。目前中華汽車已成為國內知識管理的示範廠商,但中華汽車是否因導入知識管理而提升經營效率,尚無清楚明確之實證分析,故本研究擬以知識管理來探討中華汽車與其他汽車公司間的經營效率,並提供相關建議,使其增加競爭優勢,及達到公司資源共享之目的。 本研究探討1996 年至2005 年間,國內四家上市汽車公司之經營效率,利用皮爾森(Pearson)相關係數分析進行變數之間的相關程度檢定,選取出三項投入與兩項產出之變數組合;再透過資料包絡分析法(Data Envelope Analysis, DEA)衡量四家上市且具代表性的汽車公司之效率值,包含技術效率、純技術效率與規模效率,並提供無效率營業單位明確之改善方向與建議;接著以無母數分析法之MannWhitney U 統計量進行假說驗證,檢定投入產出等五項變數與經營效率的關係。 研究結果發現:(1)台灣汽車產業平均整體技術效率為0.872,尚有12.8%的改善空間,表示整體汽車產業還未達到有效率的境界,國內相關汽車公司還有努力的空間;(2)從2000 年導入知識管理後,汽車業的整體經營效率大幅提昇,顯示出知識管理的導入對汽車業有莫大之助益。


In the competition of globalization, enterprises are faced lot of threats. However, technology innovation and knowledge management can be utilized as tool to create more chances. Currently, China-Motor has already become a model of domestic knowledge management manufacturer, but the impact of inducing knowledge management project to China-Motor on improving business efficiency is no empirical clear yet. The purposes of this research will discuss the operating efficiency difference among the China-Motor and other motor corporations with knowledge management, and propose relevant suggestions to improve competitive advantage so as to achieve company's resource share. The data was collected from the operational performance of four domestic listing motor companies in the period of 1996 to 2005, by using Pearson’s correlation coefficient to relevant degree of the parameters of assay, the higher coefficient correlation, the greater relevant degree. The data appear to change association with selecting the input of three items and the parameters of two outputs, and the efficiency values of four listing and representative motor corporations have been weighed through DEA, including technical efficiency, pure technical efficiency, and scale efficiency, which provide the inefficient business unit for improving-direction. The non-parametric methods for Mann-Whitney U statistical are used to carry on hypothesis and validation, assay such five parameters as input and output relation with operating performance. The findings of research are: firstly, the whole technical efficiency is average 0.87 in automotive industry of Taiwan, implying that the whole automotive industry has not reached the efficient realm yet. Secondly, after introducing knowledge management in 2000, whole operational efficiency of the automotive industry is great progressive, meaning that the introduction of knowledge management is benefiting to the automotive industry.


Lin, P. W. (2002), Cost Efficiency Analysis of Commercial Bank Mergers in Taiwan, International Journal of Management, 19(31), pp. 408-414.
