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The Correlation between the Club Head Speed and the Isokinetic Muscle Strength of Upper Limbs in the Elite Female College Golf Players


高爾夫選手為了要求得最佳成績,包含了球飛行方向的精準度和飛行距離的遠近,而為了要增加球飛行距離,勢必要增加桿頭的速度。但是高爾夫運動是用雙手持球桿做揮桿動作,所以要使桿頭加速是應該以慣用手(後繼手)或是非慣用手(前導手)為主,目前不僅尚無定論亦無進行實際量測。因此,本研究目的為探討國內優秀大專女子高爾夫球選手(21.8±1.3歲),其慣用手(後繼手)和非慣用手(前導手)之腕關節、肘關節、肩關節在60°/s、120°/s、180°/s(腕關節)或60°/s、180°/s、300°/s(肘關節、肩關節)三個不同角速度下所分別產生的峰值轉矩(peak torque)與桿頭速度的相關性。使用SPSS統計套裝軟體,以皮爾遜積差相關考驗(Pearson's product-moment method)分析,其統計數值考驗均以α=.05為顯著水準。其結果顯現出在非慣用手(前導手)的腕關節尺側偏移(wrist-unlar deviation)和慣用手(後繼手)的肘關節屈曲(elbow-flexion)的峰值轉矩,均與桿頭速度成正相關,但雙手之肩關節均呈現無顯著相關。顯示出非慣用手的腕關節尺側偏移方向和慣用手肘關節屈曲方向之峰值轉矩越大桿頭速度可能有越高的傾向,而肩關節可能扮演著不是以肌力來對桿頭加速的角色。


高爾夫 等速肌力 力矩 桿頭速度


In order to get the best performance, golf players have to control the accuracy of ball direction and enhance the ball distance. Therefore, for increasing the ball distance, they must increase the club head speed. However, we use both hands to do the swing and we don't know the conclusion and never have the real measurement of which hand is the major factor in speeding up the club head speed in a golf swing. So the purpose of this research was to explore six Taiwan female elite college golfers (21.8±1.3 yrs) and thier peak torque of the wrist, elbow and shoulder joint of the dominated and non-dominated hand at 60°/s, 120°/s and 180°/s (wrist joint) and 60°/s, 180°/s and 300°/s (elbow and shoulder joint) three different angular velocities. By using SPSS 10.0 for Windows, the Pearson's Product-moment was done to analyze the relationship between the peak torque of each muscle group at different velocities and the speed of the club head. The significant level for all statistical data was α=.05. The results revealed that the maximal muscle strength of both the wrist-unlar deviation of the non-dominated hand and elbow-flexion of the dominate hand are positively correlated with maximal club head speed; besides, the shoulder joint played a role instead of the muscle strength in speeding up the club head velocity.


golf isokinetic strength torque club head speed


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