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Clause 1 and 2 for Syndrome of Chin-Kuei Yaw Lau Woman's Pregnant Disease Analysis and Comparison Five Explanatory Contents and Methods


《金匱要略•婦人妊娠病脈證並治》篇,揭示妊娠病的治病綱領,尤以首二條更突出保胎、護胎的中心主旨。 但歷來注家見解紛歧,乃因推理之依據不同,竟能得出迥異之結論。其間眞相,有賴在繁冗的註文中,反覆推敲,旁徵比對,引用書證,或能還原仲師之本意。「古籍注釋內容與方法」即在此扮演重要角色。 本文以妊娠篇首二條條文各家註解爲綱,古籍註釋內容與方法爲緯,作一穿插比對,冀能在中醫古籍研究之領域,稍窺其堂奧。


The Chapter for syndrome of Chin-Kuei Yaw Lau woman's pregnant disease discloses the guidance for the treatment of the pregnant disease, particularly the first two clauses have the central purpose of keeping the fetus and protecting the fetus. But the notes were diversified in the past, because different reasons were used to get extremely different conclusions. The documented evidence in the book has to be quoted to understand the true meaning correctly, quote. ”Analysis and Comparison for Contents and Methods of Ancient Books” plays an important role here. This paper is uses the first two clauses of pregnant Chapter as well as the contents and methods of explanatory notes see the inside for the research of ancient books.
