  • 期刊


Estimating the Increment of Medical Records Volume and Space


本研究主要目的在了解臺大醫院病歷數量的成長及所需空間,並探討影響病歷成長的相關因素。經由病歷成長數量及所需空間之估算,妥善規劃病歷空間的有效利用,並對病歷保存方法及期限提出建議。 本研究結果顯示: 1.在病歷增加張數方面,每人次門診、急診、住院病歷增加張數分別為0.82、5.24、36.55張。 2.影響門診病歷增加張數的因素中,以初複診別的影響最大。至於急診及住院病歷增加張數的影響因素方面,則以留、住院日數最重要。 3.病歷空間成長方面,全年門診、急診及住院病歷增加厚度分別為232.49、70.97、149.75公尺。 4.全年病歷厚度共增加453.21公尺,須要病歷檔案櫃132座,換算為檔案空間約36.8坪。預估下年度病歷厚度增加510.74公尺,須要病歷檔案櫃149座,換算為檔案空間約40.94坪。 由於醫療法規定:病歷至少須保存十年。且目前尚有延長至二十年之議。為確保未來病歷保存之品質,兼顧醫療院所空間成本之負擔,推廣縮影病歷或光碟病歷保存方式,並立法取得合理保障,實為當前刻不容緩之要務。


病歷 病歷空間 病歷保存


The aim of this study was to examine the increment of medical records volume and space in National Taiwan University Hospital. Factors influencing the increment of medical records were also mentioned. Through estimating the volume increased and space occupied, we can manage our medical record space more efficiently. Some issues about the methods and duration of storage of medical records were also discussed here. Several findings were noticed: (1) The average increment of medical records for outpatient、emergency and inpatient services are 0.82、5.24、36.55 pages per visit, respectively. (2) For outpatient service, the most important factor for the increment of medical records depends on whether the patient visits first or not. Among factors influencing the increment of medical records, the most important one for emergency and inpatient services is length of stay. (3) The annual increment of medical record thickness for outpatient、emergency and inpatient services are 232.49、70.97 and 149.75 meters, respectively. (4) Total annual increment of medical record thickness is 453.21 meters which need 132 open-shelved filing closets. It occupies the space equal to 121.65 square meter. It is predicted that total annual increment of medical record thickness will be 510.74 meters next year, 149 open-shelved filing closets will occupy 135.33 square meter. Medical records must be stored legally in paper form for ten years. Since the quality of storage is questionable and the increas-ing cost of hospital space, storage of medical record in microfilms and optic disks will be potential alternatives. However, legislative approval will be the most important step.


黃頌揚(2012)。SNOMED CT應用於醫療機構之研究〔碩士論文,中臺科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0099-0905201314435989
