  • 期刊


The Planning of Modern Park - A Case study of Lo-Tung Exercise Park



羅東運動公園,以一個結合水、綠與健康的構想,創造出兼具有運動及休閒功能的運動公園如附圖,其目的在別於以往國內幾乎僅以提供比賽或培訓選手為主的運動場地:而是一個可以提供民眾在日常散步、休閒的好地方。它位於宜蘭縣羅東鎮,面積四十六點八公頃,其景觀之基本設計包括:1.地景計劃,2.水景計劃,3.運動設施計畫,4.植栽計畫,5.設備系統計畫。分別地將其設計理念一一展現出來,並背負著日後宜蘭縣環境綠化工作的指標任務。 另外,風水的觀念在傳統中國人的心目中一直佔有相當大的地位,羅東運動公園雖然是由日本的高野景觀規劃規劃株式會社所負責主要的設計工作,但仍然在設計時導入青龍、白虎、朱雀、玄武四神代表四個方位的觀念,在現代的景觀設計中算是相當難得的。而在公園中的廁所,不但要求其造型美觀外,還另有一些體貼人心的設計,讓人有上洗手間也是一種享受的感覺。 然而在完工三年後的今天,羅東運動公園在整體景觀及硬體維護上,卻已經面臨到四周借景日益惡化及景觀材質因設計施工和維護單位不同而延伸出養護的問題,值得今後在設計大型公共設施時一個注意的方向。


The planning of modern park Lo-Tung Exercise park, an idea combined with water, green and health. It provides people to do outdoor exercise at leisure, It’s a good place for walking and relaxing your body. Its purpose differs from some of domestic sports grounds which only offer races or athlete training. It is located in Lo-Tung town, I-Lan and its area is 46.8 hectares. The basic designs include: 1. the plan of earth’s landscape, 2. he plan of water scenery, 3. the plan of exercise facilities, 4. the plan of planting, and 5. the plan of equipment system. It expresses the designing ideas respectively and it has the target task to make the green environment in I-Lan. In addition, the Fengshui theory plays a very important role among Chinese. Although the Takano Landscape Planning Company Limited in Japan is responsible for the main design of Lo-Tung Exercise Park, they still add to the designing the Green Dragon, White Tiger, Red Phoenix and Black Tortoise which represent four directions. It is not easy in modern landscape planning. And the designs of toilets are not only pleasing to the eyes, but also consider the visitors. After three years of construction, Lo-Tung Exercise Park’s environments and facilities become worse and worse. And because construction and maintenance are under different designs, the destroyed landscape would be probably difficult to recover. The problems need to be solved. The intervention of the present design was to guarantee easy access to the park’s facilities for future maintenance, avoiding destruction of the environment.


